This picture comes from the Associated Press via Yahoo!
OK folks, it's time to bring on the funny. Mr. Right has asked me to do an Exhibition Caption Contest which is not a part of the CAPHOG, so points are not of importance. Just bring all the funny you've got to give, and plant it right here. The contest will last until this coming Tuesday.
There is another contest which is lasting until Tuesday, if you remember it, The Scion, the Witch and the Saprobe Edition
We not only like to host photo caption contests, we like to play them, too! Be certain to check out the latest contests at these great blogs!
Bravo Zulu
The Bullwinkle Blog
The Clash of Civilizations
Commonwealth Conservative
Cowboy Blob's
The Gone Rick Motel
GOP and the City
A Limey In Bermuda
Outside the Beltway
And of course, who has the best continuous caption contests around?
Caption This!
And for a little something different:
RightLinx is also hosting an Election Prediction Contest!
UPDATE 10/21/06:
Hi, everybody! Mr. Right here. I just wanted to thank GOP & College for providing us with this special edition caption contest to help fill in the gap as we alter the timing of our contests, so that they begin on Friday or Saturday and end on the Tuesday or Wednesday immediately following from now on.
The problem was, I was either going to have two contests to judge this week, or I was going to have to cheat all of you out of a new contest to play. Luckily for all of us, GOPAC, who has hosted several very fine caption contests on his own blog in the past, stepped up to help with this marvelous new contest for everyone. Since someone else will be judging it, it won't count in the overall standings, but don't let that stop you from having fun!
I am not certain how the next contest will be run yet, due to our special Blogoweeniversary plans, which will fall in the midst of the scheduled run for next week, but I will let everyone know when I've figured it out!
In the meantime, enjoy yourselves. And have you checked out the First CapHOG Update of Season Two yet? Where do YOU rank?
P.S., I won't alter the title because it would only screw up the links to this contest, but I think it needs a name! I hereby dub thee:
The Big Pigture Edition
---Mr. Right
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OTB Caption Jam
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