Friday, October 06, 2006

Welcome, Stew Magoo!

Okay, so I've been too busy to properly update this blog lately and it has been reduced to little more than a weekly caption contest. Ugh! My other blogging partners have all been far too busy with their own projects, and so this poor little blog sits here all alone and unloved for days at a time.

Bottom line: This blog needs an enema... and I've found the perfect guy to help give it one!

I'm sure many of you are already familiar with this character from his own blog, Get Stewed and his frequent contributions to our photo contests, as well as his participation in our Blogoweeniversary festivities last year. He's also one of our longest standing regular readers (poor sap) and a guy with a heart of gold for poor dumb animals, particularly sheepdogs and his misguided liberal brother.

Oh! --- And I guess he can now file himself under "I'm Worthy"!

So, what else do you need to know about Stew? Let's let him tell you...

Whooooooo hoooooooo! Thanks man, I'm honored. Seriously.

Lesse, bio...

I was born a poor black child in the backseat of a Greyhound Bus travellin' down Highway 41. Then I lost my rhythm completely and became a greedy capitalist pig.

Most of my political leanings have been formed by watching the left attempt to eviscerate the principals which have made America great.

Combine a wicked sense of humor with an almost complete lack of morality and you get anybody other than me. I'm more a mixture of an Amish farmer and Chris Rock (thus the "Get Stewed" moniker).

Other than that, I like walks on the beach at sunset, Piña Coladas and getting caught in the rain.

My goal as a contributor to The Right Place will be to make all the other contributors look that much better.

[Editorial comment: "Most of my political leanings have been formed by watching the left attempt to eviscerate the principals which have made America great."


Hmmmm... either someone needs a dictionary or he is accusing liberals of trying to cut the entrails out of the heads of many of our nation's finest elementary and secondary schools. Those bastards!]

Oh, well. Hopefully we can get a little more frequently updated material in here now, and I'm still working on some more changes behind the scenes, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, enjoy Stew's stuff. Hey, whatever you may think of it, it has got to be better than dead air! His first contribution is pending... RIGHT HERE!

Welcome aboard, Stew!

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