It gets hot in there.
Congrats to Mr. Right on his blogoversary - this was a super idea. I thoroughly enjoyed it and hoped you enjoyed it and also learned a valuable lesson: never let a group of crazy bloggers take over your blog.
I'd like to encourage you, if you've never seen all the grace, class, compassion, sincerity, sanctity, reverance and glory that is File it Under, to go visit very soon...
... and let me know if you found any of that stuff.
I am Hoodlumman and it has been a pleasure being Oliver Willis.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a bit of exercising to do...
But wait there's more! Since Mr. Right gave us full blog plugging rights...
Never heard of the Carnival of Crazy? Never submitted to it? Avast ye!!
Edition 9 submissions due tomorrow. Get crazy!

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