- What do you think of the Kyoto Protocol now, given that, despite signing it, you didn't push hard for it's passage, and didn't even officially submit it to the Senate?
- If you still think the Protocol is viable, why didn't you push hard in your remaining 3 years in office to get it ratified?
- The Senate endorsed a resolution ... a bipartisan resolution ... by 95-0 (!) advising against signing any agreement that a) would demonstrably harm the U.S. economy and b) did not include large developing economies like China and India. If you now believe that the Bush administration should sign the agreement, and the same Senate should ratify it, what has changed to satisfy a) and b) above?
- Do you believe the projections of $400B and 5 million jobs in economic damage if the U.S. were to sign on? If you do, and you still endorse the treaty, why do you want to damage the U.S. economy? If you don't buy those numbers, then how much damage do your economists predict?
- If you don't think the Bush Administration should sign on, why did you negotiate it and sign it in the first place?
- Do you think the Chinese, who've been exempted from the protocol despite being the second largest producer of greenhouse gases, are right to call for the U.S. to sign onto the protocol, hurting our economy while leaving theirs unaffected? Do you think the Chinese may have ulterior motives for this call?
- If President Bush and the Senate are wrong, is British PM Tony Blair also wrong?
- Was the Kyoto Protocol in reality just a big wet kiss to the left-wing anti-capitalist environmentalists when you needed them? And an ill-advised wet kiss, at that?
The opposite of right is left. The opposite of right is also wrong. Is it any wonder that the left is always wrong?
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Here Are Some Questions ...
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
They Are At It Again!
It was brought to my attention that my polls had been changed. When I went there, I was completely shocked by all the questions. Once again, it was originally designed to offer a voice in things. And once again it was abused. Do you people think that this is cute, or just hell-bent on trying to get me into trouble? Did I do something so offensive to you personally that you feel the need to attack me in such a personal way? Currently someone has offered to completely redesign this website with built in security. I cannot tell you how happy I am with that. To finally have a website where I can post my stories, and have visitors who do not have to contend with your hacks on soldier's tributes, insulting people with changing the polls, and the many other things you have done to this website. I know that this isn't the most secure website, I didn't realize that it was going be such a requirement when I designed it. I was obviously wrong. I wish to personally say I am sorry to anyone who has had to read or endure the messages or polls that may have been offensive on this website. You will note that the units have been removed from the menu in addition to the polls for the same security reasons. As upset and humilitaed as I am, I am not going to quit. I am not going to abandon this project, or terminate the website. I will learn, improve, adapt, and overcome your childish attacks. I should have known as soon as I saw that you were coming back out of hiding to resume posting your hateful and spiteful comments that something like this would occur.
This is just not right. Why do people have to act this way and destroy the words of a friend giving tribute to another? It sickens me that people will stoop so low.
Thanks for the links:
Freedom Folks
Theodore's World
Oh How I Love Jesus
Small Town Veteran
The Paladin
Cross post at A Rose By Any Other Name
Thank you also to everyone else who linked here, to Anna's post at her own blog, or to Grey Eagle directly, including the following (whom I have been able to trace):
Argghhh!!!; The Barnyard; Cao's Blog; Daily Pundit; Geosciblog; The Gunn Nutt; The Jawa Report; Marathon Pundit; Red Hot Cuppa Politics; A Soldier's Perspective; Spottedhorse
One. Mature. Democrat.
These are forceful words. Determined words. Optimistic words. Literally the entire piece reads like a section of a George W. Bush stump speech on Iraq. The question remains - why is Sen. Lieberman seemingly the only Democrat who sees this? The unanimity of thought among Democrats means one thing, and one thing only. Democrats are not so much against the war (and, as a result, the Iraqi people) as they are against President Bush. They don't want to see democracy in the Middle East fail; they want to see Bush fail.I have just returned from my fourth trip to Iraq in the past 17 months and can report real progress there...
Progress is visible and practical. In the Kurdish North, there is continuing security and growing prosperity. The primarily Shiite South remains largely free of terrorism, receives much more electric power and other public services than it did under Saddam, and is experiencing greater economic activity. The Sunni triangle, geographically defined by Baghdad to the east, Tikrit to the north and Ramadi to the west, is where most of the terrorist enemy attacks occur. And yet here, too, there is progress...
It is a war between 27 million and 10,000; 27 million Iraqis who want to live lives of freedom, opportunity and prosperity and roughly 10,000 terrorists who are either Saddam revanchists, Iraqi Islamic extremists or al Qaeda foreign fighters who know their wretched causes will be set back if Iraq becomes free and modern...
If the terrorists win, they will be emboldened to strike us directly again and to further undermine the growing stability and progress in the Middle East, which has long been a major American national and economic security priority...
None of these remarkable changes would have happened without the coalition forces led by the U.S. And, I am convinced, almost all of the progress in Iraq and throughout the Middle East will be lost if those forces are withdrawn faster than the Iraqi military is capable of securing the country.
If there are others out there who feel as Sen. Lieberman does, that the best policy that can be followed now in Iraq is staying until the job is done, then let's hear from them with voices equal to those of the anti-war crowd. Speak up, lest you be lumped in with those with whom you disagree.
Update: Don't count Sen. Lieberman among those hurting troop morale.
Thanks for the link!
Basil's Blog
Monday, November 28, 2005
A Soldier's Final Email
Capt. Jeffrey P. Toczylowski, 30, was a Special Forces detachment commander assigned to First Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne). He asked that friends and family not "be sad for me."
"Dear friends and family,
If you are getting this email, it means that I have passed away. No, it's not a sick Toz joke, but a letter I wanted to write in case this happened. Please don't be sad for me. It was an honor to serve my country, and I wouldn't change a thing. It was just my time.
Don't ever think that you are defending me by slamming the Global War on Terrorism or the US goals in that war. As far as I am concerned, we can send guys like me to go after them or we can wait for them to come back to us again. I died doing something I believed in and have no regrets except that I couldn't do more."...
No flash, no fuss, plain and simple, just the way he saw it and just the way he wants to be remembered. The rest of his email can be found at Skye's blog Midnight Blue and the original article from The Philadelphia Inquirer
h/t: Mike of Mike's America
Thanks for the link!
Freedom Folks
Democrats fumed last week at Vice President Cheney's suggestion that criticism of the administration's war policies was itself becoming a hindrance to the war effort. But a new poll indicates most Americans are sympathetic to Cheney's point.
Seventy percent of people surveyed said that criticism of the war by Democratic senators hurts troop morale -- with 44 percent saying morale is hurt "a lot," according to a poll taken by RT Strategies. Even self-identified Democrats agree: 55 percent believe criticism hurts morale, while 21 percent say it helps morale.
The results surely will rankle many Democrats, who argue that it is patriotic and supportive of the troops to call attention to what they believe are deep flaws in President Bush's Iraq strategy. But the survey itself cannot be dismissed as a partisan attack. The RTs in RT Strategies are Thomas Riehle, a Democrat, and Lance Tarrance, a veteran GOP pollster.
Their poll also indicates many Americans are skeptical of Democratic complaints about the war. Just three of 10 adults accept that Democrats are leveling criticism because they believe this will help U.S. efforts in Iraq. A majority believes the motive is really to "gain a partisan political advantage."
This poll is one of the few pieces of supportive news the administration has had lately on Iraq. Most surveys have shown significant majorities believe it was a mistake to go to war, as well as rising sentiment that Bush misled Americans in making the case for it.
Even so, there is still support for Bush's policy going forward. A plurality, 49 percent, believe that troops should come home only when the Iraqi government can provide for its own security, while 16 percent support immediate withdrawal, regardless of the circumstances.
(Emphasis mine.)
Oh, and the demographics? They look solid! You can download a pdf copy for yourself by clicking HERE!
Gee, I wonder why that immediate withdrawal proposal the Republicans cleverly put forth a-week-and-a-half ago went down 403-3 in the House? Or why Pelosi supposedly goaded Murtha into making his "stand" in the first place? Could the Dems be sensing that their precious "Bush lied, kids died" meme is going down in flames faster than the Hindenburg???
Could we PLEASE now quit trying to see to it that we lose the War in Iraq to hurt Bush? I know getting Bush at all costs is the most important thing in the world (even beating out breathing, eating and sleeping for many leftwing imbeciles out there), but what do you say we let our Armed Forces WIN the damned the war now and fight it out over other issues?
Your move, Dhimmis...
Thanks for the link!
MN Blogger
"C"-ing is Believing...
Sunday, November 27, 2005
"Military Rules for Non-Military Personnel"
Military Rules for Non-Military Personnel
We know that the current state of affairs in our great Nation have many civilians up in arms politically and rightfully concerned about our troops. For those of you who can’t join the military at this time, you can still lend a hand here at home. The following are a few of the areas where your assistance would be appreciated:
(1) The next time you see an adult talking, (or wearing a hat), during the playing of the National Anthem - - - kick their arse.
(2) When you witness, firsthand, someone burning the American Flag in protest - - - kick their arse.
(3) Regardless of the rank they held while they served, pay the highest amount of respect to all veterans. If you see anyone doing otherwise, quietly pull them aside and explain how these veterans fought for the very freedom they bask in every day. Enlighten them on the many sacrifices these veterans made to make this Nation great. Then hold them down while a disabled veteran kicks their arse.
(4) (GUYS) If you were never in the military, DO NOT pretend that you were. Wearing battle dress uniforms (BDUs), telling others that you used to be “Special Forces,” and collecting GI Joe memorabilia, might have been okay when you were seven years old. Now, it will only make you look stupid and get your arse kicked...
So practice your "arse kicking" and show some respect people! :)
Thanks for the links!
MN Blogger
I Think Therefore I Err
Friday, November 25, 2005
Captions Outrageous! [In Through the Out Door Edition]

The above photo comes to us from REUTERS/Jason Reed via Yahoo!
This contest will last approximately one week.
Good luck!
I not only like to host photo caption contests, I like to play them, too! Be certain to check out the latest contests at these great blogs...
Outside the Beltway
Random Numbers, where Mr. Right took 2nd Place last week!
GOP and the City, where Mr. Right also took 2nd Place last week!
UPDATE 11/28:
Argghhh! linked with a contest of their own - check it out!
Oh, Thank Heaven for 7/11 Edition
Fickle Finger of Fate Edition
Things Are Looking Up Edition
Rage in the Cage Edition
Not So Mellow Fellow in Yellow Edition
The Beards and the Beads Edition
Weapons of Mash Destruction Edition
You're Al I Ever Wanted Edition
His Cup Runneth Over Edition
The Eyes Have It Edition
Jeepers Veepers Edition
Huggermugger Edition
Ear's to You Edition
Heavy Medal Edition
Village of the Damned Edition
White on Rice Edition
Sunny Side Up Edition
Absentee Mallet Edition
French Tickler Edition
This post is proudly featured in...
OTB Caption Jam
Thanks for the link!
Lucky Dawg News
UPDATE 12/2:
This contest is now closed...
New contest is HERE!
Thank you all for playing!
Captions Outrageous! Winners [French Tickler Edition]
Thank you to one and all who participated!
Presenting the top ten captions for this picture...

#10: "Love, look at the two of us,
Strangers in many ways..."
#9: Socialist societies are notoriously inept at the high-five.
V the K
#8: CHAVEZ: "Hey, Jacques! How much you wan' for de big metal tower over dere?"
CHIRAC: "Oh, Monsieur! That is the world famous Eiffel Tower!"
CHAVEZ: "I give ju $100."
#7: "Jacques! I knew you had made it when I could see the grey cloud of your body odor hanging in the air above the airport!"
#6: "...And the Angel appeared before me and said, 'Bush sucks!'"
#5: "Okay, so when waving a white flag, it's more of a wrist motion?"
#4: CHAVEZ: "Yes, he's perfect for my wax museum. Bring in the crane!"
#3: "Can we start burning things right now or do we have to wait until after dinner?"
the man
#2: What had originally promised to be a fruitful meeting between two world leaders quickly deteriorated, as once again Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez began shooting at imaginary American Stealth Bombers with his fingers.
Buckley F. Williams
And the winning entry for this Caption Contest...
#1: "Ah, Jacques, I love Paris in the autumn! The leaves changing colors, the beautiful women in their elegant coats, the smell of burning Citroëns . . ."
D. Carter
Bravo! Bravo!
Encore! Encore!
Captions Outrageous! [In Through the Out Door Edition]
Oh, Thank Heaven for 7/11 Edition
Fickle Finger of Fate Edition
Things Are Looking Up Edition
Rage in the Cage Edition
Not So Mellow Fellow in Yellow Edition
The Beards and the Beads Edition
Weapons of Mash Destruction Edition
You're Al I Ever Wanted Edition
His Cup Runneth Over Edition
The Eyes Have It Edition
Jeepers Veepers Edition
Huggermugger Edition
Ear's to You Edition
Heavy Medal Edition
Village of the Damned Edition
White on Rice Edition
Sunny Side Up Edition
Absentee Mallet Edition
And, in case you haven't yet seen it, here are the overall rankings for the first 15 caption contests!!!
Thanks for the link!
Lucky Dawg News
"Wax On, Wax Off"
More Evidence Of A "Failed" Policy
Residents of Anbar province say four insurgent groups are considering naming a representative to spell out their conditions to Iraqi President Jalal Talabani.Go figure. I wonder why they'd want to do that when they're "winning?"
The residents, who have contacts with the insurgents, spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal.The four groups include the Islamic Army of Iraq, the 1920 Revolution Brigade, the Mujahedeen Army and al-Jamea Brigades. But the country's most feared terror organization, al-Qaida in Iraq, is not among them.
I don't think we should leave it at that, though. The groups, sans al Qaeda in Iraq if this is indeed true, are beginning to sense that participation in the governing of Iraq is a better fate for them than continually risking firefights and death with Marines and the Iraqi Army. Walking in the sunshine is better than scurrying in the shadows like rats. They are also most probably not seeing their own endpoint in sight, whatever it is. War fatigues both sides. One thing to remember, and that many seem to forget, is that it fatigues the losing side more.
This may be why there's such a clamor for withdrawal, or an exit strategy. The longer this goes, the more it looks as if the Bush strategy may work. And we can't have that, can we?
(Note: the link above will probably disappear - I'll find a more permanent link shortly)
(Note: link changed - hopefully this one will be relatively permanent)
Thanks for the link!
The Paladin Blog
A Grey Eagle Update
Finally in closing, I wish to thank all of you who left comments and email, and invited me into your hearts and into your prayers. I am a simple soldier, a combat medic, who has had the honor of serving with the 101st and with the proud soldiers who make up Charlie Company. I am not a hero, there are way too many other men and women here who wake up every morning to face the dangers in the streets, in the cities, and in operations that await who deserve that title. But, for me each soldier I treat is a hero, I am honored to have been a part of their lives, even for a moment and to have cared for them and treated their wounds. Each soldier that lies before me seeking comfort is a piece of my heart, and together these pieces give me strength and give me pride and to face the holidays before me not with sadness but with spirit and dignity with the knowledge that I shared in their courage. Feel proud America, for your children, your husbands, your wives, your brothers and sisters, your fathers and mothers have shared their blood, their sweat, their tears on this soil side by side with the Iraqi people and have etched in the sand a voice greater than all who oppose freedom and the soldiers those who serve it. We Shall Prevail!
Happy Thanksgiving
Grey Eagle
“Air Assault!”
Go and give a thanks to all our soldiers. Grey Eagle gives a site that you can go and send messages and letters to the soldiers, but you can also leave comments on all the different MilBlogs. There are some awesome blogs out there, too. Go, read, enjoy!
Black Friday Is Here
Thursday, November 24, 2005

...to all of our readers, from everyone at The Right Place!
Thanks for the links!
MN Blogger
The Nose on Your Face
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
'Round the 'Sphere: 11/23/05
Teflon over at Molten Thought is fed up!
[h/t: Pat Curley at Brainster's Blog]
H-Bomb from Ankle Biting Pundits has had enough!
Dr. Rusty Shackelford is not just questioning their "Patriotism" - he is calling one of them, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga in particular, a TRAITOR!
[h/t: Dave at The Paladin Blog]
You know what, I am forced to agree! This is a WAR! It is time to stop pussyfooting around this issue - if you are handing the enemy propaganda on a silver platter and defaming our troops, you are NOT a patriot! You are the opposite of a patriot... and I, too, will no longer avoid calling you what you are!
Iran and the Bomb
As usual, Rick Moran is brilliant, and the topic he has chosen this time, is chilling!
The X Man
What is the deal with the whole CNN flashing an "X" on Cheney kerfuffle?
First of all, Bill Quick at Daily Pundit has someone who sent him an audio tape claiming to be of a phone call to CNN, where the people on the other end of the line call the incident "free speech" and say to "tell Bush and Cheney to stop lying." Such things would lead one to believe that the act may have been intentional, but the letter from the woman who recorded the tape is a bit weird, as it mentions the Trilateral Commission - which to me is a red flag. Mr. Quick thought so, too, and talked to the lady, who swears up and down that the recording is genuine. Here is the link, take it with a grain of salt, however.
[h/t: Greybeard commenting at THIRDWAVEDAVE]
But, that's not all! Someone, as I predicted they would, has managed to photoshop the image in such a way as to reveal the meaning of the little black letters under the "X". They are, as it turns out, rather innocuous: "Transition begins after 5 frames of black." You can see it for yourself at The Dan Report. Does that let CNN off the hook? Not yet - someone still may have been flashing that "X" over VP Cheney on purpose. The only thing we know now is that they didn't include a disparaging message on the screen with it, and that it therefore could have conceivably been a technical glitch.
[h/t: Dave at The Paladin Blog]
Help Not Wanted
Another lesson in economics, courtesy of Will Franklin.
Funny Business
Über funnel worthy!
It turns out CNN just used the wrong graphic!
Kitty has some "Blonde Math" to share.
It seems Ace of Spades was checking out the Roach Motel known as Eschaton. I don't think he was very impressed. In fact, I think he was appalled - but not about the politics, about Duncan Black's questionable ability as a blogger. What followed was an exercise in hilarity! To fully enjoy this experience, keep clicking the links to the right of "Main" at the top of the posts for awhile and watch Ace try to emulate Atrios' style! The man was in rare form!
[h/t: Lorie Byrd at PoliPundit]
You just HAD to know THIS was coming!
Blogger News
Congratulations to John Ruberry of Marathon Pundit, who has been featured in this month's "The Month in Review" by Eric Zorn, a prominent columnist with the Chicago Tribune!
Back in their pajamas again!
Distortions And Misrepresentations
He starts off with a conclusion, that Republicans "are headed for a seismic crash in the congressional election of 2006," but later in the piece indicates that it was Democrats in the House who were forced to vote in line with the Republicans on the non-binding resolution to leave Iraq "immediately" to avoid looking weak.
They knew Democrats would vote against such a resolution fearing to be held accountable in the 2006 election as, at best, fools, and, at worst, cowards.He indicates that this isn't what Mr. Murtha suggested, but Murtha's resolution calls for withdrawal "“at the earliest practical date,” a phrase which is meaningless - after all, who decides when that date has been reached? Isn't that the President's job? If so, then Murtha's resolution calls for withdrawal when the President decides it is appropriate. I agree.
Mr. Koch does write one of the best descriptions of pre-war intelligence, one with which I think we can all agree.
There is no question that while Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in the 1990s and used poison gas against both Iraqi Kurds and Iranian soldiers, somewhere along the line, it disposed (ed: or moved) of those weapons without establishing when and how to UN inspectors. To date, no WMDs have been found in Iraq.
I might quibble with the "no WMDs" part, given the enriched uranium and VX gas armed shells that have been found, but certainly no large stockpiles have been discovered.
He also writes this:
Amen to that. Unfortunately, when it comes to proposing a policy change is where Mr. Koch's piece starts to unravel.The many Democrats who initially supported the war would like to explain away their votes by claiming they were misled by the President. That claim is the real lie. Bush relied on Tenet, who was appointed not by him, but by President Clinton.
I propose we put our NATO and regional allies on notice that unless they come to Iraq and place boots on the ground and bear their share of the casualties and costs of the war, the U.S. and its allies in Iraq will leave within six months.
So we don't need the current coalition, with Britain, Australia, Japan, etc., etc., etc. We need NATO. I'm not sure how having the French involved improves the situation. This is besides the fact that by proposing exchanging our troops for NATO troops Mr. Koch is as much as admitting that troops are still needed there. So withdrawing, even setting a timetable for withdrawal is not a reasonable choice.
This morning on The Today Show Norah O'Donnell gave a report starting with "the real question in Iraq is 'How do we get out?'" Actually, the real question is how do we win? Mr. Koch doesn't have an answer either. One way we don't win is by leaving. Perhaps Ms. O'Donnell should have looked at this.
Mr. Koch finishes by pleading with both parties to stop unfairly attacking the other, and I think we can agree on that. He urges Sen. Reid and Rep. Pelosi to stop saying that Bush "lied." He urges Republicans to stop attacking Rep. Murtha. (ed: they didn't, except perhaps for Ms. Schmidt). And he found President Clinton's remarks while overseas to be inappropriate from a former president. They were.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
A Little Known Army Hero
Spc. Darrell Green helped thwart a terrorist attack on the Palestine and Sheraton Hotels in Baghdad Oct. 25.
Green, a machine gunner from 3rd Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, was pulling security from an observation post at the Sheraton. Upon hearing the explosions of the first two vehicles, Green stood ready for what was to come.
As dust and debris from the explosions subsided, he noticed the defensive barriers had been breached and a cement truck was heading through the gap toward the Sheraton and Palestine hotel complex – a home for many international journalists in Iraq.
The vehicle was 50 feet past the breach when Green took aim and engaged the truck with his machine gun. As he shot and killed the driver, preventing the vehicle from going any faurther, the truck detonated.
“He was trying to kill people,” said Green, a Volusia County, Fla., native. “It was good we stopped him because he would have killed more people and destroyed the building.”
The full story of his bravery can be found at US Army Soldier's Stories There are also many more stories of our brave army soldiers so go and read about our heros.
You have until midnight EST tonight to go to Aaron's cc: and vote for "THE RIGHT PLACE" in the left hand margin poll and help my fellow bloggers and I get a playing card in Aaron's Deck o' Bloggers!
As of right now, we are just out of the money - your vote could make the difference!
Good Riddance!
Up to 20 foreigners are in custody in Britain awaiting deportation to countries that have a record of torturing or abusing detainees, Prime Minister Tony Blair said Tuesday, but he defended his efforts to counter Islamic extremism.
Civil rights activists have condemned Blair's efforts to deport people to several north African and Middle Eastern countries with questionable human rights records.
But Blair insisted his government had a duty to protect Britain's security, and needed new powers to counter the threat of international terrorism. On July 7, four suspected suicide bombers killed 52 people on London's transport system.
"We have got to be able to make sure we return people if they are a threat to the security of this country," Blair told a House of Commons committee.
All I can say is good riddance. The dirty little secret of Jihadistan is that the most fertile grounds for development of Muslim extremists are *not* the Arab countries but rather the liberal democracies of the West. Most of the 9/11 hijackers, for example, were based in Western Europe when they started planning their attacks. With the widespread acceptance of "mulitculturalism" and "tolerance" in the West, Islamic extemists until now have had no check on them spreading their virulent "religion." Blair, the adult in this mess, realizes that harboring the extremists in the UK is a greater threat to civil liberties there than deporting malcontents.
Western elites have a suicidal hatred of their own culture, which they consider to be irredeemably racist, sexist, homophobic, ect, ect. Do they think that they would fare better under Sharia?
Some required reading from MN Blogger: Islam for Dhimmis
Monday, November 21, 2005
2 1/2 Year Old Daughter of US Soldier Wounded in Iraq Murdered by Abusive Step-Father
Lost... in Lima, Ohio, a site that specializes in stories about abused, exploited and missing children and the monsters that harm them, has the sick, sad details of a story that has left me at a loss for words.
Why are our courts failing to help those among us least able to help themselves?
UPDATE 11/23: Anna has a more detailed post available at A Rose by Any Other Name.
China Wants to Purchase Former US Airbase in Panama
Is it really such a good idea to let China, a Communist state and nuclear power with the largest army on the planet have an airbase on our doorstep??? The State Department seems to think this is no big deal!
Laer at Cheat-Seeking Missiles has been following this story and has the sordid details. (Earlier related stories are linked at the bottom of his post.) Apparently Panama is putting the abandoned Howard Air Force Base up for auction THIS FRIDAY - the day after Thanksgiving!
Excuse me, where is the coverage on this?
Buehler? Buehler?...
X Marks the Spot!

This is just too damned funny!
THIRDWAVEDAVE tipped me off about a "gaffe" at CNN earlier today, where they stuck a giant black "X" over Vice President Cheney while he was making a live speech!
Real Teen at Stop the ACLU is reporting that The Drudge Report is currently running with this story as its header. No one can seem to make out the tiny black words superimposed over parts of the picture.
Some people are {GASP!} suggesting that it may not have been an accident!
I mean, come on, folks! It's not like the media have done something like this before...

UPDATE: Ian at The Political Teen has video, slowed down to make the repeatedly appearing (for 1/15th of a second at a time) "X" easily visible.
I'm not the only one remembering past media bias silliness....
Mary Katherine Ham at Hugh Hewitt recalled THIS little gem (also courtesy of CNN).
Curt at Flopping Aces recalled Reuters' zoomed-in and "enhanced" potty break note... and, of course, this lovely USA Today photo, which we had a whole lot of fun with a few weeks ago...

Don't even get me started on the TANG Documents!
Again, I must shrug and ask: What media bias???
UPDATE #2 (11/22)
The Man at GOP and the City has a unique take on this whole affair.
Thanks for the links!
MN Blogger
The Right Nation
Kitty Litter
Not a Very Good Move
Dear Barbara,
On April 04, 2004, your oldest child killed my oldest child, Casey Austin Sheehan.
Unlike your oldest child, my son was a marvelous person who joined the military to serve his country and to try and make the world a better place. Casey didn't want to go to Iraq, but he knew his duty. Your son went AWOL from a glamour unit. George couldn't even handle the Alabama Air National Guard. Casey joined the Army before your son became commander in chief. We all know that your son was thinking of invading Iraq as early as 1999. Casey was a dead man before George even became president and before he even joined the Army in May of 2000.
Yup, that's just the beginning. I don't know what she hopes to accomplish, but I suppose making the letter as vitriolic and outlandish as possible will get her more air time. And regretfully, it probably will.
Did you teach George to use his words and not his violence to solve problems? It doesn't appear so. Did you teach him that killing other people for profits and oil is ALWAYS wrong? Obviously you did not. I also used to wash my children's mouth out with soap on the rare occasion that they lied...did you do that to George? Can you do it now? He has lied and he is still lying. Saddam did not have WMD's or ties with al-Qaeda and the Downing Street Memos prove that your son knew this before he invaded Iraq.
On August 3rd, 2005, your son said that he killed my son and the other brave and honorable Americans for a "noble cause." Well, Barbara, mother to mother, that angered me. I don't consider invading and occupying another country that was proven not to be a threat to the USA is a noble cause. I don't think invading a country, killing its innocent citizens, and ruining the infrastructure to make your family and your family-friendly war profiteers rich is a noble cause.
Cindy Sheehan is calling Barbara's son a liar, a murderer, a war profiteer, among other things. Oh, and let's not forget her repetitive use of the "killer" label. Now we've all heard about Barbara's pride in her family. I cannot imagine that this will make our former first lady very happy, but I have no doubt that if she even acknowledges this letter, she will certainly set Cindy straight on her lack of facts in the most concise and easily understandable terms because she will want to make sure that Cindy understands every word! And all the while she will act like a lady and not raise her voice or debase herself by using crass language. Here is more, but if you feel the need to read the whole thing you can find it here.
Casey came home in a flag draped coffin on April 10th. I used to have a beautiful mind, too. Now my mind is filled with images of seeing his beautiful body in his casket and memories of burying my brave and honest boy before his life really began. Casey's beautiful mind was ended by an insurgent's bullet to his brain, but your son might as well have pulled the trigger.
Besides encouraging your son to have some honesty and courage and to finally do the right thing, don't you think you owe me and every other Gold Star parent an apology for that cruel and careless remark you made? (*)
Your son's amazingly ignorant, arrogant, and reckless policies in Iraq are responsible for so much sorrow and trouble in this world.
Can you make him stop? Do it before more mothers' lives are needlessly and cruelly harmed. There have been too many worldwide already.
Cindy Sheehan
Mother of Casey Sheehan
Founder and President of Gold Star Families for Peace
Founder of Camp Casey Peace Foundation
(emphasis mine)
Yes, she is a real piece of work and I feel so badly for her son because he was a hero and he doesn't deserve to have his name and memory used in such a way. This is simply another pathetic attempt to keep herself in the spotlight when all she is really accomplishing is having people think that she is even more of a disingenuous publicity seeker who cares more for her "fame" than for the memory of her son.
(*) Refers to this comment quoted in the letter that Barbara made "Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? Oh, I mean, it's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?" (Good Morning America, March 18, 2003)
But that is not the full quote and when taken out of context (a novel idea for Cindy, I know), it sounds horrid. Here is the full quote and the actual questioning which brought it about:(Snopes)
An additional query about whether the senior Bushes, who do not normally watch a great deal of television, found themselves watching more TV during this period than was their usual custom fetched from Mrs. Bush the quote that has since earned a measure of notoriety:
"I watch none. He [former President Bush] sits and listens and I read books, because I know perfectly well that, don't take offense, that 90 percent of what I hear on television is supposition, when we're talking about the news. And he's not, not as understanding of my pettiness about that. But why should we hear about body bags, and deaths, and how many, what day it's gonna happen, and how many this or what do you suppose? Or, I mean, it's, it's not relevant. So, why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that? And watch him suffer."
Read within the context of the full interview, it is a tiny bit more clear that Mrs. Bush's "beautiful mind" statement referred to her desire not to become mesmerized by the pre-war media speculation of what such an invasion would mean, what sorts of weaponry and defenses U.S. troops might well be walking into, which troops would be committed and when they'd be deployed, how long the war would last, and how high the body count might be. Prior to the commencement of hostilities, such matters were the subject of endless supposition by various news pundits. While maybe not "90 percent" of what was filling the air waves was guesswork rather than hard news, Mrs. Bush's point that news of that moment was much more about what could or might happen rather than what was happening was valid. Her comment was not meant as a dismissal of actual deaths or suffering (troops had not yet been engaged at the time of her remark), but of news coverage that amounted to one expert after another making predictions
"Root Causes"
Four years after 9/11 and the "crazy zeitgeist" that permeated the United States, most Americans have still not learned to know their enemies instead of just hating them, U.S. political journalist Chris Matthews says.
In a speech to political science students at the University of Toronto yesterday, the host of the CNBC current affairs show Hardball had plenty of harsh words for U.S. President George W. Bush, as well as the political climate that has characterized his country for the past few years.
"The period between 9/11 and Iraq was not a good time for America. There wasn't a robust discussion of what we were doing," Matthews said.
"If we stop trying to figure out the other side, we've given up. The person on the other side is not evil -- they just have a different perspective."
I beg to differ, Mr. Matthews. Agreed that Osama bin Laden and his ilk have a different perspective - but they *are* evil. And all this talk about trying to "figure out" the other side sounds to me like just another permutation of the "root causes" syndrome that afflicts so many intellectuals. When people start looking for the "root cause" of a problem, it means that they're not willing to take any action to solve it.
Of course, Matthews the patriot goes to Canada to utter this foolishness. He should consider staying. Given the ratings of Hardboiled, nobody would miss him.
Go Look! Update!
Kerry "Swiftboated" - Part 2
The Democratic Party (notwithstanding its cynical expressions of concern for the same troops it periodically seeks to label as engaged in widespread crime) is regarded with intense distrust by many active duty and retired military personnel.They have been Kerried once too often. It was once the majority party that stopped the Nazis, Fascists, and North Koreans and that in words of a far different Kennedy summoned us “to fight any battle” for freedom. Sadly, the party of Henry Jackson and Franklin Roosevelt has become the party of retreat — from the Iranian Hostage Crisis to the retreat from Mogadishu; to opposition to the 1991 Gulf War; to the failure to avenge the 1993 World Trade Center bombing or the USS Cole bombing or the murder of our own troops and embassy personnel around the world. Indeed, this past Thursday night, the nation watched the bizarre spectacle of a Democratic Party speaking in favor of immediate withdrawal but too afraid to even cast a vote recording for posterity these convictions. And the drift from American values to the party of Mr. Kerry and Michael Moore has been matched by its shrinking base. Recent polls, for example, show vastly lower approval ratings — in the low 20s — for Congressional Democrats than even the low rating of Mr. Bush. As for many veterans and military personnel, they remember well the politicians who voted to send us to war then “Kerried” us while we were locked in combat, dishonoring both our service and our dead.
And they ask — is this all to happen to our soldiers again? Are the politicians like Mr. Kerry who led the campaign to send our kids to war (when it was popular) now to withdraw support while they are locked in combat and apparently succeeding because the task is difficult or unpopular? Will Mainstream Media “Kerry” our troops by portraying Abu Ghraib or isolated cases of prisoner mistreatment as the rule to demoralize our troops and nation, while ignoring the beheadings and butchery of those peacefully praying in Mosques or shopping in a Bazaar? Will the press’s selective glorification of isolated figures such as Cindy Sheehan, Mr. Kerry, or Mr. Murtha drown out the actual voices of the large majority of our servicemen? I hope not. We pay our troops little and subject them to considerable danger.We can at the very least support them with stability of mission and honesty of reporting.
In the unlikely event that you've forgotton who Mr. O'Neill is:
Mr. O’Neill, an attorney in Houston,Texas, coauthored the no. 1 bestseller, “Unfit for Command.” After graduation from the Naval Academy, he served as a Swift Boat officer in Vietnam, and later, as a law clerk to Justice William Rehnquist.
Thanks for continuing to fight the good fight, Mr. O'Neill.
Murtha "Swiftboated"
I won't stand for the swift-boating of Jack Murtha. It disgusts me that a bunch of guys who have never put on the uniform of their country venomously turn their guns on a Marine who came home from Vietnam with a Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts. No matter what J.D. Hayworth says, there is no sterner stuff than the backbone and courage that defines Jack Murtha's character and conscience.
As usual, Lurch misses the point. No one is questioning Murtha's courage. But he started a media feeding frenzy by his Thursday speech on the immediate
Fortunately, the Republicans have finally decided to stop being punching bags for the Democrats. Calling for a vote on immediate withdrawl from Iraq was a smart pre-emptive strike by them. Had they not done it, the Democrats would have the upper hand going into the Sunday morning spin programs.
And to those who claim that the Republicans "distorted" Murtha's position, here is a clarification by PoliPundit commenter Cafe Noir:
Because Murtha’s bill doesn’t contain what he actually SAID.
Murtha’s BILL read:"The deployment of United States forces in Iraq, by direction of Congress, is hereby terminated and the forces involved are to be redeployed at the earliest practicable date“.
But what Murtha said in his SPEECH was: “I believe before the Iraqi elections, scheduled for mid December, the Iraqi people and the emerging government must be put on notice that the United States will immediately redeploy“.
All the Republican bill did was put what Murtha actually SAID on paper and into the bill for a floor vote. Removing the Michael Moore/Moonbat talking points, Murtha’s bill was about the same as the administration policy has always been.
There has never been an administration policy to stick around is Iraq as long as we’ve done in say, Germany, Italy or Japan.
My response to Cafe Noir was:
You nail it when you point out the difference in language between what Murtha said in his speech and what is in his bill.
The Democrats have been following a triangulation policy of feeding red meat to their rabid base while trying to pass themselves off as “moderates.” The Republicans forced them to come out as the radicals that deep down they are, and they wimped out.
Only Democrats get outraged when you force them to state their real positions.
The truth does hurt.
UPDATE #1: Rep. John Murtha Urged Somalia Pullout in '93:
After terrorists attacked U.S. troops in Mogadishu, Somalia 12 years ago, anti-Iraq war Democrat, Rep. John Murtha urged then-President Clinton to begin a complete pullout of U.S. troops from the region.
Clinton took the advice and ordered the withdrawal - a decision that Osama bin Laden would later credit with emboldening his terrorist fighters and encouraging him to mount further attacks against the U.S.
History repeats itself.
UPDATE #2: Eleanor Clift:
Democrats gave Murtha a standing ovation behind closed doors, but most kept their distance in public. “It’s a trap,” explained a Democratic strategist. “If the party comes out for a unilateral six-month withdrawal, that would become the issue for ’06, and they [Republicans] would kill us again.”
This can't be repeated enough: The Democrats *can't* be honest with the public about their real position on the war.
H/T - PoliPundit
UPDATE #3: Thanks for the link: MN Blogger
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Update: How to Make Your Child Behave
On Fox News' Big Story Weekend Edition Bret Baier had both the mother, Tasha, and daughter, Coretha, on the show, as well as Dr. Laura. Dr. Laura actually agreed that Tasha used "inventive parenting" and sees nothing wrong with what she did. She said that Tasha obviously loves her daughter enough to care about her future and because she was standing right there with her, she was not making Coretha "go through it alone."
Another doctor came on. Psychologist Jeffrey Gardare, and he stated it was a bad idea to publicly punish her that way because it would encourage other parents who might have seen them on the corner. Those parents then may be tempted try something that will not work for them and could damage their children. He also said that Tasha needed to find positive reinforcement and not to punish because it could be detrimental. Tasha let him have it..."you don't know Coretha like I know Coretha" and "traditional punishments do not work with Coretha because she becomes too comfortable with them."
I completely understand Tasha's second comment because my youngest is that way. She will be grounded from TV, computer, phone, friends, or even having her bedroom door removed, but after about 3 or 4 days, she doesn't care anymore. It's very aggravating. I may have to come up with my own version of inventive parenting! (Oh, and by the way, the removal of the door, that was her teacher's idea! It worked briefly, but not for long.)
(Quotes may not be exact as I was typing this up while watching the show.)
"Honest, Open Debate"
"People should feel comfortable about expressing their opinions about Iraq," Bush said, three days after agreeing with Vice President Dick Cheney that the critics were "reprehensible."
The president also praised Rep. John Murtha D-Pa., as "a fine man" and a strong supporter of the military despite the congressman's call for troop withdrawal as soon as possible.
What's reprehensible is when these critics openly accuse him of dishonesty, or greed, or cowardice, rather than debate the decision to go to war or the conduct of the war. Mr. Bush gets to the heart of this later in the article.
Thousands of miles from home, Bush and other White House officials have not let a day go by without a tough counterattack against Democratic critics of the president's Iraq policies. But the president replaced the no-holds-barred approach with a softer tone Sunday.
"I heard somebody say, `Well, maybe so-and-so is not patriotic because they disagree with my position.' I totally reject that thought," Bush said.
"This is not an issue of who's patriotic and who's not patriotic," he said. "It's an issue of an honest, open debate about the way forward in Iraq."
That is a debate worth having. The critics lose their way when they start yelling "war for oil," "lied to the American people", "war to benefit cronies," and other head-shakingly moronic constructs, because they start with a dishonest premise.
If you want to debate whether it was wise to move on to Iraq after Afghanistan, and you have well-thought out reasons why you disagree, well, let's talk. If you want to question the tactics in Iraq, and you have suggestions as to how they might be improved, let's also talk. But if you're going to suggest that the Iraq war is only about oil, or that it's to benefit Halliburton, or it's only because Saddam tried to kill his father, then I don't think we have much to talk about.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Grey Eagle
UPDATE 11/20/05: Wizbang not only commented, but emailed with ideas for stopping the hackers from getting onto her blog/website. And thanks to everyone who went over there to leave encouraging comments this morning there were 30 and now there are almost 100! Thank you everyone!! Here is Grey Eagle's reply to Wizbang's post:
I first wish to thank Mr. "Wizbang" for his comments and the very nice email he sent me. There are many people who have been wonderful and very supportive. Not always of the war, but I never asked anyone to support or oppose the war, only that you support the troops, who do not make policy, but dedicate their lives to the beliefs of freedom, whether they are yours or the Iraqi people.___________________________________________________
In response to my website and the question of confusion. I started the website out as a simple blog on blogspot while I was trainning for my deployment. As it grew, it became a website, and I have had to learn html and how to install simple php programs on the fly, as I had no real experience previously. In regards to the tribute, there are three little programs called "cute news php" that comprise my website. One of them is in a folder titled "tribute" and that makes up the various tributes using catagories to seperate the Female soldiers from the 101st soldiers. It is in this program that when I type in the information and click "save changes" that no matter what I type, I get the message printed out on my website "you have been hacked....bush lied", It does not seem to have affected the previous tributes I had done, only anything new I try to add. Since I am a basic learner at best that is all I can tell you. There were a couple of guys from the 160th Special Op's IT group that were going to build a new website with something called post nuke content management system, but they have been tasked out to special training for an upcoming deployment and as such the project is sort of on hold. I do not know enough to continue the project without them.
I hope this clears up any confusion on the website. My post was to address the fact that my freedoms to post my tributes were "taken away" while deployed to protect freedom. That is why I didn't address the specific's of the situation.
I am deployed at FOB Warrior, which is located just outside the city of Kirkuk where I am a combat medic the 101st Airborne Division. Whether I am working out of the treatment facility, on a convoy, or providing medical response for the patrols I can tell you that what I see is so much different than what I saw on the news or read about before my deployment. I simply wanted others to see what I see and make up their minds based on that and not be influenced by what someone else reports to them, whether it is the left or the right. But for you as Americans to take the freedom that I am here defending as use it to make decisions and opinions for yourself based on truth and not on political spin.
Adain Mr. Wizbang, thank you for your kind words and the opportunity to post my comments on your website.
Grey Eagle
Combat Medic
Charlie Company
426th BSB
1st Brigade
101st Airborne Division
FOB Warrior - Iraq
"Air Assault"
Posted by: Grey Eagle at November 20, 2005 08:47 AM
Not too long ago, I asked that everyone go and leave a positive comment on Grey Eagle's blog (A Female Soldier 2) to encourage her since there were some really nasty comments there. To all those who left them, thank you! But apparently the problems went much further than just nasty comments. Here is a bit of what she has been dealing with the last two weeks.
I wish to express my congratulations to the hackers, vandals, and anti-war visitors who successfully blocked my ability to post any further tributes to the soldiers. I am sure you find victory in preventing myself and others from having a place to read and pay our respects to the Fallen Female Soldiers, and my brother’s in arms, the brave soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division. I can only imagine your satisfaction in justifying the disgrace of men and women who died for this country. You may not feel it was justified, but they gave their lives believing in what they were doing. Apparently freedom of speech is merely a phrase to you, not something you believe, in unless it applies to you. If you do not share the person’s view you justify your actions in removing the ability for them to express their opinions. In doing so, you have only displayed to me that your cause is unjust, and strengthen my resolve and beliefs in what we are doing here. You have dishonored those who did believe in something, and toke away my right to mourn their memories. These were men and women who actually took a stand in what they believed in, sacrificed their time with their families, and put themselves in danger simply because they believed in something. So to support your beliefs what have you done? Oh, that is right, you took away my freedom to pay tribute and mourn my fellow soldiers.
It is unbelievable that there would be such horrid people, but there are and we need to make sure they are the exception and not the rule. Once again I ask that we leave encouraging comments and if there is anyone out there with constructive ideas on how to stop these hackers, I'm sure she would be appreciative. I know that it would mean a lot for her readers to have her back on regularly to pay tribute to our fallen soldiers. Thank you!
UPDATE: Anna has posted a follow-up to this post HERE.
I would just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone out there who has taken the time to send a message of support to Grey Eagle and to our troops. The following is a list of blogs that I have been able to find that have linked either here or to Grey Eagle (or both) as part of this blog burst. Thank you!
American Flag League; Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, (2); Argghhh!; Bad Dog Barking; Basil's Blog; Betsy's Page; Blackfive; Blonde Sagacity; Blue Blogging Soapbox; Brainster's Blog; Cao's Blog; Cheat-Seeking Missiles; Common Sense Runs Wild; Conservative Musings; Daily Pundit; Dean's World; Delftsman; East Coast Wisdom; Ex-Donkey, (2); Freedom Folks, (2); Gateway Pundit; GM's Corner; Greg's Notes; The Gunn Nutt; Infinitely Prolonged; Inoperable Terran; J. Rob's House of Opinions; The Jawa Report; KenSCA, Rants and Rambles; Kerfuffles; Kitty Litter; Knowledge Is Power; Lucky Dawg News; Michelle Malkin; Marathon Pundit; Mike's America, (2); Military Families Voice of Victory; Moonbattery; The Mudville Gazette; MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy; NeoModernism; A North American Patriot; Old Controller; The Paladin Blog; Patriot World; Pettifog; Pirate's Cove; PoliPundit; Purple Avenger; Random Numbers; The Real Ugly American; Red Hot Cuppa Politics; Rite Turn Only; Shooting the Messenger; Sisu; A Small Town Veteran; Special Agent Utah; The Squiggler; Stander's Point; Steaming Pile of Orthodoxies; Sunday Morning Coffee; Swap Blog; A Texan Abroad; Thoughts by Seawitch; Thoughts on Politics, Life and God; The Voice; The Wide Awakes; Wizbang!, (2); Y-2-Dray 4-Ever
A tip of the hat to V the K as well, who was active in spreading the word, even though he felt his photo caption humor blog wasn't the most appropriate place to post on this subject.
Thank you for visiting The Right Place and don't forget to visit Anna's own wonderful blog A Rose by Any Other Name as well!
This list will be updated periodically. If you have a post on the subject, just trackback or comment here or send us an e-mail and we will be happy to recognize your efforts as well...
UPDATE 11/21: It has become apparent to me that a link to the comments from the article in question at Grey Eagle's blog functions as a permalink.
- Mr. Right
Friday, November 18, 2005
Captions Outrageous! [French Tickler Edition]

The above photo comes to us from REUTERS/John Schults via Yahoo!
This contest will last approximately one week.
Good luck!
I not only like to host photo caption contests, I like to play them, too! Be certain to check out the latest contests at these great blogs...
Outside the Beltway
Random Numbers, where Mr. Right took 3rd Place last week.
GOP and the City, where Mr. Right took 6th Place last week.
Oh, Thank Heaven for 7/11 Edition
Fickle Finger of Fate Edition
Things Are Looking Up Edition
Rage in the Cage Edition
Not So Mellow Fellow in Yellow Edition
The Beards and the Beads Edition
Weapons of Mash Destruction Edition
You're Al I Ever Wanted Edition
His Cup Runneth Over Edition
The Eyes Have It Edition
Jeepers Veepers Edition
Huggermugger Edition
Ear's to You Edition
Heavy Medal Edition
Village of the Damned Edition
White on Rice Edition
Sunny Side Up Edition
Absentee Mallet Edition
And, in case you haven't yet seen it, here are the overall rankings for the first 15 caption contests!!!
This post is proudly featured in...
OTB Caption Jam
Thanks for the link!
Chris at Lucky Dawg News
UPDATE 11/25:
This contest is now closed...
New contest is HERE!
Thank you all for playing!
Captions Outrageous! Winners [Absentee Mallet Edition]
Thank you to one and all who participated!
Presenting the top ten captions for this picture from Gary Hershorn/File/Reuters via Yahoo!

#10: "Hey, George! Come on over and bring your friend Karl! I've got a surprise for yoooooouuuu...."
#9: And just think... properly inserted, it will give Democrats a spine!
Tony M
#8: Babs Boxer displays a souvenir from her early days as a knee-capper for the Oakland Crips.
V the K
#7: Sen. Boxer rings the dinner gong and then moves to a safe position as not to get in the path of "Hungry Teddy."
#6: "I've painted Karl Rove's head like a watermelon, Gallagher. Now come up here and get your hammer!"
Laurence Simon
#5: "Arrhhhh!!! What's in your wallet?"
the man
#4: People paid little attention to Babs, Dianne, Hillary, and Olympia's weekly croquet matches... until that mysterious wave of "suicides" swept the Senate.
V the K
#3: "I will wield mighty Mjollnir to crush Jormungand's head at the final battle, Ragnorak... or use it to bring order to the Senate... Frankly, the former is probably more realistic."
Rodney Dill
[Cross the Rainbow Bridge of Asgard, Where the booming heavens roar, You'll behold in breathless wonder, The God of Thunder, Mighty Thor!]
#2: "How much am I bid for this priceless artifact --- the actual Ugly Stick Barbara Mikulski was beaten with!"
V the K
And the winning entry for this Caption Contest...
#1: Going... going... gone! The Democrats' integrity - Sold to George Soros for $30, a walk-on in Michael Moore's next movie and a Tic-Tac!
BONUS: Chris from Lucky Dawg News has produced a photoshop entry for this week's contest. While very clever, as usual, it might be considered a wee bit too much for some of our more sensitive readers. It has to do with the subject of partial-birth abortion. With that in mind, those wishing to view it can find it HERE.
Bravo! Bravo!
Encore! Encore!
Captions Outrageous! [French Tickler Edition]
Oh, Thank Heaven for 7/11 Edition
Fickle Finger of Fate Edition
Things Are Looking Up Edition
Rage in the Cage Edition
Not So Mellow Fellow in Yellow Edition
The Beards and the Beads Edition
Weapons of Mash Destruction Edition
You're Al I Ever Wanted Edition
His Cup Runneth Over Edition
The Eyes Have It Edition
Jeepers Veepers Edition
Huggermugger Edition
Ear's to You Edition
Heavy Medal Edition
Village of the Damned Edition
White on Rice Edition
Sunny Side Up Edition
And, in case you haven't yet seen it, here are the overall rankings for the first 15 caption contests!!!
Thanks for the link!
Chris at Lucky Dawg News