Okay, let me get this straight: According to what I have heard and read from what I consider to be reliable sources over the last few weeks, since the 2000 Election, with the attacks of 9/11/01 happening in the interim, President Bush has increased his support among:
African-American voters.
Hispanic voters.
Jewish voters.
Catholic voters.
Evangelical Christians.
White males.
Senior citizens.
Young voters.
Military veterans.
Union members.
Former Gore voters.
Lifelong Democrats.
And this race is as tight as 2000??? Sorry, but that just doesn’t pass the smell test, folks!
A lot of these polling firms just don’t get it! America is not the same place it was on September 10, 2001, never mind November of 2000! It seems a lot of them are using assumptions that the Democrats are still the predominant political party in this country, by several percentage points. To continue to weight polls based on that assumption is pure folly! And then, there's the ground game: Republicans have taken massive steps to improve their GOTV efforts after learning a painful lesson in 2000. Sorry folks, your outdated turnout models are just flat out unreliable!
I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of very perplexed pollsters, pundits and media types when the returns start to come in on Tuesday, November 2! I can’t wait to see the Mainstream Media meltdown that night, followed by the inevitable Hollywood Liberal and Left-wing "Moon-bat" hysteria the next day as they try to come to grips with what just happened! They don’t even see it coming!!! Well, consider yourself forewarned.
Another key feature that is being discounted in these polls is the backlash factor. Republicans are going to turn out in droves, I guarantee it! The Florida fiasco of 2000, when Former Vice-President Al Gore refused to graciously concede, putting his and his party’s own selfish ambitions ahead of the best interests of the country, ripping this country apart by sending an election into the court system and trying to cherry-pick recounts strictly in precincts where Democrats held a clear partisan advantage was WAY over the line! "Pregnant" chads, interpreting the "intent" of the voter, constantly changing the rules of what does and does not constitute a valid vote whenever it becomes clear that the standard you were using is not producing enough "votes" to make up the needed ground, getting the Florida courts to repeatedly and arbitrarily extend deadlines written into state election law by the duly-elected legislators, thereby altering the rules in the middle of the "game"...and after weeks of these shenanigans, after the U.S. Supreme Court finally puts a stop to this attempt to manufacture a Gore victory, they have the unbridled audacity..the unmitigated GALL to accuse the President of trying to steal the election??? And now, they brag of having a "team" of 10,000 lawyers standing by to do it all AGAIN??? Enough!!!
Now: Add on to that the disenfranchising of our brave men and women overseas in the military while repeatedly making wild, unsubstantiated claims of Republicans disenfranchising, get this, over 1 million African-American voters in Florida alone, and four years of “selected not elected” crybaby pouting and seething rage from the party and their faithful.
Add on an ever-more-apparent bias on the part of the mainstream media, which has been on nothing short of a witch-hunt trying to destroy the President with anything they can muster, including blatantly false stories and forged documents.
Add on a growing resentment over the Democrats spending the last two years trying to make partisan hay over a WAR, again putting the ambitions of the party ahead of the good of the country and lending hope to the Terrorists and Islamo-Fascists, that if they can just hold out long enough, George W. Bush will be toppled and our campaign against them will grind to a halt! All of this after we were ATTACKED on our own soil!
Now, for good measure, tack on the vicious, unrelenting attacks, day after day after day after day, calling the President a liar, a murderer, a usurper, a deserter, a traitor, a Fascist, a Nazi, a terrorist, a coke-head, etc., etc., etc. that betray the underlying seething hatred and vitriol of a desperate and dying political movement.
Top it all off with reports of rampant attempts at voter registration fraud, voter intimidation, vandalism to Bush supporters’ campaign signs, homes, cars and offices and a promise to deploy that "team" of lawyers and set up a de-facto shadow government if they don’t win and guess what you have?
Republicans like me, and likewise, I would guess, an awful lot of non-Republicans, who just can’t wait to get to a polling place and shove our collective “screw you, losers” in their faces by way of the ballot box!
I don’t know about the Democrats, but I’m sure as Hell fired up! Welcome to reality, my Democrat friends. Time to reap what you have sown! Hope you bought yourselves a good supply of Kleenex and Tylenol for Tuesday night and Wednesday. You are going to need it! Trust me!
The opposite of right is left. The opposite of right is also wrong. Is it any wonder that the left is always wrong?
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Monday, October 11, 2004
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
The Right Place Photo Caption Contest Hall of Glory
The contents of this post will be regularly updated!
LAST UPDATED: November 1, 2006
Current Contest(s):
ENDING SOON! - 2nd Special Exhibition Contest Hosted by GOP & College:
Laid Back Edition

To play, click on (one of) the above link(s) and leave a comment with your caption for the corresponding picture!
(NOTE: Please do not attempt to enter the contest by commenting to this post! Thank you.)
#1 - Dissenting Opinion Edition
#2 - White Raspbeary Edition
#3 - Totally Busted Edition
#4 - Havana Good Time, Glad You're Not Here Edition
#5 - Right Hand to God Edition
#6 - Some Assembly Required Edition
#7 - Mad Hatter Edition
#8 - Chain of Fools Edition
#9 - Beyond Her Grasp Edition
#10 - Make Love, Not Jihad Edition
#11 - Are You There God? It's Me, Hugo Edition
#12 - Wake Up and Smell the Kofi Edition
#13 - I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire Edition
#14 - The Scion, the Witch and the Saprobe Edition
#E1 - The Big Pigture Edition
The Right Place Photo Caption Contest Hall of Glory: First Quarter of Season Two
(Thru Contest #13)
[Next update will follow Contest #26. Scroll down for Final Results from Season One.]
How the points are being awarded this season:
1st Place = 10 pts
2nd Place = 8 pts
3rd Place = 7 pts
4th Place = 6 pts
5th Place = 5 pts
6th thru 10th Place = 3 pts
11th thru 20th Place (when awarded) = 2 pts
Honorable Mention = 1 pt
I decided that since so many of you are spending so much time being so clever and creative and going beyond mere captions, that this year I am going to reward your creativity in a more fitting manner. A photoshop or other especially clever creative work (such as a song or poem) that is given bonus status, is now worth 3, 5 or 10 points at the judge's discretion. 3 points will be awarded for something mildly amusing or for a reworking of a joke that has already been done with a slightly new twist. 5 points is still the standard for a job well done on something that just plain made me laugh. 10 points is given out only for going over the top with something especially creative or hysterically funny that would merit being awarded the equivalent of a winning caption points-wise.
Participation Points:
I also award participation points. Every player, regardless of whether they make the winners' list or not, is given 1 credit for every contest they participate in. It doesn't matter whether they submit 1 caption or 100, each week they play is worth 1 credit. When they accrue 4 credits, they are awarded 1 point. In other words, they get 1 point for every 4 contests they play in, regardless of any other points they may or may not receive. To summarize: Participation in 4 contests = 1 point.
Bonuses Awarded:
Everyone listed below, please take a much deserved bow for your efforts!
Week 7 - Song, 3 pts
Week 7 - Photoshop, 10 pts
Cowboy Blob:
Week 11 - Photoshop, 10 pts
Damian G:
Week 3 - Song, 10 pts
Week 11 - Song, 10 pts
hatless in hattiesburg:
Week 2 - Photoshop, 5 pts
Week 9 - Photoshop, 5 pts
Magical Pat:
Week 6 - Song, 5 pts
Week 11 - Photoshop and related parody, 10 pts
Week 5 - Song, 3 pts
Week 7 - Poem, 10 pts
Participation Points Awarded:
Here is a list of everyone who has earned participation points and the number of contests they have participated in. A special thank you and congratulations to all 8 of those who have managed to achieve a perfect attendance record by participating in all 13 contests thus far!:
3 pts (10):
13 - Beerme
13 - benning
13 - Damian G
13 - Doc
13 - John Ruberry
13 - Pam
13 - Rodney Dill
13 - walrus
12 - Steve O
12 - V the K
2 pts (11):
11 - GOP and College
11 - hatless in hattiesburg
11 - LongTabSigO
11 - the man
11 - Stew
10 - radio free fred
9 - Maggie
9 - sgt fluffy
9 - Zsa Zsa
8 - Anna
8 - Greg Finnegan
1 pt (18):
7 - charles austin
7 - Cowboy Blob
7 - Greg
7 - jimmy b
6 - Carl
6 - The Random Yak
6 - spacemonkey
6 - Special Ed
6 - Windhamite
5 - D Carter
5 - Hoodlumman
4 - Adjustah
4 - DaveD
4 - Dave E
4 - I R A Darth Aggie
4 - McGehee
4 - ScottG
4 - W.C. Varones
If anyone is curious as to whom we have managed to fold, spindle, mangle and/or mutilate thus far, here is a list of the poor, hapless victims of your rapier wit through the 13th contest of Season Two, with our most frequent prey listed first (number of appearances in parentheses). Anonymous by-standers are not included. Keep in mind that more than one celebrity may appear in the same picture, and that the President of the United States is easily the most photographed individual in the world on a week to week basis, making him the most likely to appear in a picture that screams out to be captioned at any given time!:
George W. Bush (7)
Hillary Clinton (4)
Howard Dean (3)
Ted Kennedy (3)
Harry Reid (3)
Chuck Schumer (3)
Cindy Sheehan (3)
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (2)
Hugo Chavez (2)
Bill Clinton (2)
Al Gore (2)
John Kerry (2)
Ray Nagin (2)
Nancy Pelosi (2)
John Roberts (2)
Donald Rumsfeld (2)
Al Sharpton (2)
Kofi Annan
Harry Belafonte
Joe Biden
John Bolton
Barbara Boxer
Stephen Breyer
Jimmy Carter
Fidel Castro
Dick Cheney
Jacques Chirac
James Clyburn
Russ Feingold
Dianne Feinstein
Al Franken
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Danny Glover
Saddam Hussein
Jesse Jackson
William Jefferson
Kim Jong-Il
Junichiro Koizumi
Osama bin Laden
Ned Lamont
Pat Leahy
Joe Lieberman
John McCain
Cynthia McKinney
John Murtha
Barack Obama
Lisa Marie Presley
Priscilla Presley
Condoleezza Rice
Karl Rove
Tony Snow
John Paul Stevens
Clarence Thomas
Abu Musab al Zarqawi
Ayman al Zawahiri
Other subjects...
Modern Art
Polar Bear
Road Sign
Santa Claus
World Can't Wait
Is there anyone in particular that we've missed that you would like me to keep an eye out for? Let me know. I can't promise anything, only that if I spot a good picture of some poor soul we've overlooked until now who is need of a good drubbing, I'll snag it (unless, of course, one of the many other caption contests out there beats me to it)!
And now, ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present to you:
The Official Right Place Season Two, First Quarter CapHOG Honor Roll...
NOTE: Ties were allowed to stand, but to determine the order in which the players were listed, tie-breaks were applied as follows (in order):
Top Finish; Times at Top Finish; Second Highest Finish; Times at Second Highest Finish; Each Successive Remaining Ordinal; Times at Each Successive Remaining Ordinal; Times Charted; Times Participated; Week of Most Recent Participation.
1) walrus (194 pts) 3x WINNER: Weeks 3, 6, 10*
[82 Times Charted, 11 Top Fives, 11 Other Top Tens, 2 Bonuses]
2) V the K (139 pts) WINNER: Week 8
[48 Times Charted, 12 Top Fives, 9 Other Top Tens]
3) Beerme (84 pts) 2x WINNER: Weeks 5, 11
[21 Times Charted, 7 Top Fives, 4 Other Top Tens, 1 Bonus]
4) Damian G. (64 pts)
[16 Times Charted, 4 Top Fives, 1 Other Top Ten, 2 Bonuses]
5) Rodney Dill (58 pts) 2x WINNER: Weeks 2, 10*
[21 Times Charted, 4 Top Fives, 2 Other Top Tens]
6) hatless in hattiesburg (40 pts) WINNER: Week 13
[13 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 4 Other Top Tens, 2 Bonuses]
7) Pam (37 pts) WINNER: Week 12
[19 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 3 Other Top Tens]
8) Doc (36 pts)
[17 Times Charted, 3 Top Fives, 1 Other Top Ten]
9) Steve O (33 pts)
[15 Times Charted, 2 Top Fives, 2 Other Top Tens]
10) the man (30 pts)
[14 Times Charted, 2 Top Fives, 2 Other Top Tens]
11 tie) Cowboy Blob (23 pts)
[6 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 1 Bonus]
11 tie) The Random Yak (23 pts)
[9 Times Charted, 2 Top Fives, 2 Other Top Tens]
13 tie) Carl (22 pts)
[6 Times Charted, 3 Top Fives]
13 tie) Stew (22 pts)
[6 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 1 Bonus]
15) Maggie (19 pts) WINNER: Week 4
[6 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 1 Other Top Ten]
16 tie) Anna (18 pts) WINNER: Week 1
[3 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 2 Other Top Tens]
16 tie) GOP and College (18 pts)
[10 Times Charted, 1 Top Five]
18 tie) charles austin (15 pts)
[7 Times Charted, 1 Top Five]
18 tie) radio free fred (15 pts)
[5 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 1 Other Top Ten]
20 tie) I R A Darth Aggie (14 pts) WINNER: Week 9
[4 Times Charted, 1 Top Five]
20 tie) burke (14 pts)
[5 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 1 Other Top Ten]
20 tie) Greg (14 pts)
[11 Times Charted, 1 Top Ten]
20 tie) jimmyb (14 pts)
[9 Times Charted, 2 Top Tens]
24 tie) D. Carter (13 pts)
[7 Times Charted, 1 Top Five]
24 tie) LongTabSigO (13 pts)
[8 Times Charted, 1 Top Ten]
THE CONTENDERS (Minimum of 10 points each)
26 tie) Trias (12 pts) WINNER: Week 7
26 tie) Adjustah (12 pts)
26 tie) sgtfluffy (12 pts)
29) John Ruberry (11 pts)
30 tie) Special Ed (10 pts)
30 tie) benning (10 pts)
30 tie) Chris (10 pts)
9 Points
Dave E.
W.C. Varones
Greg Finnegan
7 Points
6 Points
Magical Pat
5 Points
Greg Toombs
4 Points
Zsa Zsa
3 Points
N.B. Goldstein
Dr. Phat Tony
2 Points
Buckley F. Williams
Alan Kellogg
1 Point
Colonel Steve
Omnibus Driver
Stephen Macklin
Julie L.
Congratulations to one and all, and thank you so much for playing!
Year Two CAP-HOG Posts...
First Quarter Round-Up
The First Annual Captions Hall of Glory Championship Edition!
How the points were awarded:
1st Place = 10 pts
2nd Place = 7 pts
3rd Place = 5 pts
4th or 5th Place = 3 pts
6th Place thru 10th Place = 2 pts
11th Place or Lower, Honorable Mention, or Bonus Caption = 1 pt
Photoshop or Other Creative Work Linked to = 1 pt
Photoshop or Other Especially Clever Creative Work Displayed = 5 pts
I also awarded participation points. Every player, regardless of whether they made the winners' list or not, was given 1 credit for every contest they participated in. It didn't matter whether they submitted 1 caption or 100, each week they played was worth 1 credit. When they accrued 4 credits, they were awarded 1 point. In other words, they got 1 point for every 4 contests they played in, regardless of any other points they may or may not have received...
Participation in 4 contests = 1 pt
Here is a list of everyone who earned participation points and the number of contests they participated in:
12 pts (1):
50 - Rodney Dill
10 pts (2):
41 - D. Carter
40 - spacemonkey
9 pts (2):
37 - Maggie
36 - Doc
8 pts (3):
33 - Hoodlumman
33 - the man
33 - V the K
7 pts (6):
31 - Stew
30 - Steve O
29 - Damian G.
29 - Zsa Zsa
28 - Special Ed
28 - walrus
6 pts (4):
27 - Anna
26 - John Ruberry
24 - McGehee
24 - Pam
5 pts (5):
23 - T.M.
22 - Buckley F. Williams
22 - SJJ
20 - Will Franklin
20 - Windhamite
4 pts (11):
19 - DaveD
19 - jimmy b
18 - Carl
18 - don
18 - Dr. Phat Tony
17 - charles austin
17 - Sgt. Fluffy
16 - Chris
16 - GOP and College
16 - LongTabSigO
3 pts (8):
15 - I. Ronnie
14 - Greg Finnegan
14 - MFG
14 - radio free fred
13 - Bill W.
13 - Laurence Simon
12 - Bob
12 - hatless in hattiesburg
2 pts (8):
11 - Good Lt.
11 - Peter Halabu
10 - DeanS
10 - ILikeIke
8 - bullwinkle
8 - McCain
8 - Randy
8 - Rob B.
1 pt (23):
7 - Jeanette
7 - Son of the Godfather
7 - Songbird
7 - TC@LeatherPenguin
6 - Chris Short
6 - Dave Craddock
6 - Dave E
6 - FrauBudgie
6 - Pluto's Dad
6 - Scot
5 - bohemianlikeyou
5 - joe-6-pack
5 - Mr. Snitch!
5 - ScottG
4 - Brainster
4 - COGirl
4 - David McKay
4 - Greg (1)
4 - Magical Pat
4 - MorningSun
4 - opine6
4 - RFA
4 - serfer
A total of 73 different players participated in at least 4 contests! Thank you one and all.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present to you:
The Official Right Place Year One CapHOG Honor Roll...
NOTE: Ties were allowed to stand this time, but to determine the order in which the players were listed, tie-breaks were applied as follows (in order):
Top Finish; Times at Top Finish; Second Highest Finish; Times at Second Highest Finish; Each Successive Remaining Ordinal; Times at Each Successive Remaining Ordinal; Times Charted; Times Participated; Week of Most Recent Participation.
1) D. Carter (279 pts) 5x WINNER: Weeks 19, 31, 33, 36, 51
[92 Times Charted, 31 Top Fives, 51 Top Tens]
2) Rodney Dill (253 pts) 7x WINNER: Weeks 12, 14, 22, 32, 43, 45, 52
[87 Times Charted, 25 Top Fives, 42 Top Tens, 1 Photoshop, 3 Creativity Bonuses]
3) V the K (206 pts) 6x WINNER: Weeks 16, 17, 23, 30, 38, 39
[74 Times Charted, 21 Top Fives, 45 Top Tens]
THE ELITE (The rest of the top 25)
4) walrus (194 pts) 4x WINNER: Weeks 40, 41, 49, 50
[93 Times Charted, 18 Top Fives, 28 Top Tens, 1 Creativity Bonus]
5) Steve O (113 pts) 2x WINNER: Weeks 34, 47
[44 Times Charted, 11 Top Fives, 23 Top Tens]
6) spacemonkey (100 pts) 2x WINNER: Weeks 2, 42
[35 Times Charted, 10 Top Fives, 21 Top Tens]
7) Doc (74 pts) WINNER: Week 35
[27 Times Charted, 8 Top Fives, 11 Top Tens]
8) Hoodlumman (71 pts) WINNER: Week 3
[25 Times Charted, 7 Top Fives, 18 Top Tens]
9) Chris (67 pts)
[17 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 10 Photoshops]
10) Buckley F. Williams (57 pts) 2x WINNER: Weeks 5, 26
[16 Times Charted, 4 Top Fives, 10 Top Tens]
10) T.M. [aka Giacomo] (57 pts) WINNER: Week 29
[19 Times Charted, 6 Top Fives, 12 Top Tens]
10) the man (57 pts)
[24 Times Charted, 6 Top Fives, 11 Top Tens]
13) Son of the Godfather (54 pts)
[23 Times Charted, 6 Top Fives, 14 Top Tens]
14) don (51 pts) 2x WINNER: Weeks 6, 37
[14 Times Charted, 6 Top Fives, 9 Top Tens]
14) Damian G. (51 pts) WINNER: Week 20
[19 Times Charted, 4 Top Fives, 8 Top Tens, 1 Creativity Bonus]
16) Special Ed (47 pts)
[16 Times Charted, 6 Top Fives, 8 Top Tens]
17) Maggie (43 pts) WINNER: Week 8
[14 Times Charted, 3 Top Fives, 8 Top Tens]
17) I. Ronnie (43 pts)
[12 Times Charted, 5 Top Fives, 9 Top Tens, 2 Photoshops]
19) McGehee (41 pts)
[20 Times Charted, 2 Top Fives, 9 Top Tens]
20) charles austin (39 pts) 2x WINNER: Weeks 4, 25
[8 Times Charted, 4 Top Fives, 5 Top Tens]
21) Pam (38 pts)
[23 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 8 Top Tens]
22) Windhamite (36 pts)
[9 Times Charted, 4 Top Fives, 6 Top Tens, 1 Photoshop]
23) John Ruberry [aka Marathon Pundit] (34 pts) WINNER: Week 27
[11 Times Charted, 3 Top Fives, 7 Top Tens]
24) Laurence Simon (29 pts)
[7 Times Charted, 4 Top Fives, 7 Top Tens]
25) Dr. Phat Tony (26 pts) WINNER: Week 21
[7 Times Charted, 2 Top Fives, 6 Top Tens]
25) THIRDWAVEDAVE (26 pts) WINNER: Week 15
[7 Times Charted, 2 Top Fives, 6 Top Tens]
25) hatless in hattiesburg (26 pts)
[11 Times Charted, 2 Top Fives, 6 Top Tens]
25) Will Franklin (26 pts)
[12 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 6 Top Tens]
[Those of you listed above, don't forget to scroll down and pick up the code for your HOG Top 25 badge, which you may now wear proudly on your blog forever more! Those of you below, you may also pick up a generic Caption HOG badge for your own blog! Details are at the bottom of this post.]
THE CONTENDERS (Minimum of 10 points each)
29) radio free fred (25 pts)
30) SJJ (24 pts) WINNER: Week 1
30) Carl (24 pts)
32) Rob B. (22 pts) WINNER: Week 10
32) Zsa Zsa (22 pts) WINNER: Week 48
32) wg (22 pts)
35) Stew (20 pts)
36) Bill W. (19 pts) WINNER: Week 9
37) bullwinkle (18 pts)
37) Songbird (18 pts)
37) Anna (18 pts)
40) Edward (17 pts) WINNER: Week 7
41) ILikeIke (16 pts) WINNER: Week 18
41) LongTabSigO (16 pts)
43) DaveD (15 pts)
44) Brainster (14 pts) WINNER: Week 13
44) RFA [aka eeoowww] (14 pts) WINNER: Week 24
44) Sgt Fluffy (14 pts)
47) jimmyb (13 pts)
47) Peter Halabu (13 pts)
47) GOP and College (13 pts)
47) MFG (13 pts)
51) Darrell (12 pts) WINNER: Week 44
51) Mike (12 pts) WINNER: Week 11
53) JannyMae (11 pts) WINNER: Week 28
54) Jamie Dawn (10 pts) WINNER: Week 46
54) Greg Finnegan (10 pts)
9 Points
Gerry Owen
8 Points
Dave Craddock
7 Points
Sean P
Mr. Snitch!
6 Points
Estel [aka anybodyinpoulsbo]
5 Points
Lorie Byrd
Axel Kassel
4 Points
Dave E
Good Lt.
3 Points
bill c
Greg Toombs
Scot [aka liberaltreehugger]
2 Points
Stephen Johnson
Dane Bramage
Walter Clark
Ferdinand T. Cat
John the Trog
Tony M
Emile Zola
David McKay
1 Point
Republican Vet
W.C. Varones
Chris Short
Pluto's Dad
Greg (1)
Congratulations to one and all, and thank you so much for playing!
All Season One Winning Caption Contest Entries...
#1 - Oh, Thank Heaven for 7/11 Edition
#2 - Fickle Finger of Fate Edition
#3 - Things Are Looking Up Edition
#4 - Rage in the Cage Edition
#5 - Not So Mellow Fellow in Yellow Edition
#6 - The Beards and the Beads Edition
#7 - Weapons of Mash Destruction Edition
#8 - You're Al I Ever Wanted Edition
#9 - His Cup Runneth Over Edition
#10 - The Eyes Have It Edition
#11 - Jeepers Veepers Edition
#12 - Huggermugger Edition
#13 - Ear's to You Edition
#14 - Heavy Medal Edition
#15 - Village of the Damned Edition
#16 - White on Rice Edition
#17 - Sunny Side Up Edition
#18 - Absentee Mallet Edition
#19 - French Tickler Edition
#20 - In Through the Out Door Edition
#21 - Frankenstein Meets Godzilla Edition
#22 - Heaven Must Be Missing an Angel Edition
#23 - Spirits of Christmas Present Edition
#24 - Dorito Bandito Edition
#25 - Shadow of His Former Self Edition
#26 - When the Saints Go Mouthing Off Edition
#27 - The Face That Sunk 1000 Ships Edition
#28 - Surely You Jest Edition
#29 - And the Camel They Rode in on Edition
#30 - Chucky Squeeze Edition
#31 - On Dangerous Ground Edition
#32 - Here's Cooking at You Edition
#33 - Catch a Falling Star Edition
#34 - Iran So Far Away Edition
#35 - Weapons of MASS. Obstruction Edition
#36 - Censure and Sensibility Edition
#37 - Big Easy Rider Edition
#38 - Acid Reflex Edition
#39 - Pride in Prejudice Edition
#40 - A Bush in the Hand Edition
#41 - Wouldn't You Give a Hand to a Friend Edition
#42 - The Forecast Calls for Snow Edition
#43 - I Shot the Sharif Edition
#44 - Giving Him the Boot Edition
#45 - Frozen Assets Edition
#46 - In Over Her Head Edition
#47 - Globe Al Warming Edition
#48 - A Thousand Points of Light Edition
#49 - All Your Fitzmas Are Belong to Us Edition
#50 - Russian Hands and Roman Fingers Edition
#51 - Junichiro Has Left the Building Edition
#52 - Out to Launch Edition
Year One CAP-HOG Posts...
Thru Contest #15
Thru Contest #20
Thru Contest #30
Thru Contest #40
Year One Championship Edition!
Do you blog? Are you a proud member of the Captions Hall of Glory? Please steal one of these lovely logos and link to this post from the margin of your blog:

Logos courtesy of Hoodlumman of File It Under...
Just use one of the following codes:
HOG Top 25
[p][a href="http://intherightplace.blogspot.com/2004/10/right-place-photo-caption-contest-hall.html"][img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1105/630/400/HOG_top25.jpg" border="0" alt="Right Place Photo Caption Contest Hall of Glory Top 25" /][/a][/p]
Replace each "[" with "<" and each "]" with ">". The result is this...
Caption HOG
[p][a href="http://intherightplace.blogspot.com/2004/10/right-place-photo-caption-contest-hall.html"][img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1105/630/1600/HOG_caption.jpg" border="0" alt="Right Place Photo Caption Contest Hall of Glory" /][/a][/p]
Replace each "[" with "<" and each "]" with ">". The result is this...
Thanks again, Hoodlumman!
LAST UPDATED: November 1, 2006
Current Contest(s):
ENDING SOON! - 2nd Special Exhibition Contest Hosted by GOP & College:
Laid Back Edition

To play, click on (one of) the above link(s) and leave a comment with your caption for the corresponding picture!
(NOTE: Please do not attempt to enter the contest by commenting to this post! Thank you.)
#1 - Dissenting Opinion Edition
#2 - White Raspbeary Edition
#3 - Totally Busted Edition
#4 - Havana Good Time, Glad You're Not Here Edition
#5 - Right Hand to God Edition
#6 - Some Assembly Required Edition
#7 - Mad Hatter Edition
#8 - Chain of Fools Edition
#9 - Beyond Her Grasp Edition
#10 - Make Love, Not Jihad Edition
#11 - Are You There God? It's Me, Hugo Edition
#12 - Wake Up and Smell the Kofi Edition
#13 - I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire Edition
#14 - The Scion, the Witch and the Saprobe Edition
#E1 - The Big Pigture Edition
The Right Place Photo Caption Contest Hall of Glory: First Quarter of Season Two
(Thru Contest #13)
[Next update will follow Contest #26. Scroll down for Final Results from Season One.]
How the points are being awarded this season:
1st Place = 10 pts
2nd Place = 8 pts
3rd Place = 7 pts
4th Place = 6 pts
5th Place = 5 pts
6th thru 10th Place = 3 pts
11th thru 20th Place (when awarded) = 2 pts
Honorable Mention = 1 pt
I decided that since so many of you are spending so much time being so clever and creative and going beyond mere captions, that this year I am going to reward your creativity in a more fitting manner. A photoshop or other especially clever creative work (such as a song or poem) that is given bonus status, is now worth 3, 5 or 10 points at the judge's discretion. 3 points will be awarded for something mildly amusing or for a reworking of a joke that has already been done with a slightly new twist. 5 points is still the standard for a job well done on something that just plain made me laugh. 10 points is given out only for going over the top with something especially creative or hysterically funny that would merit being awarded the equivalent of a winning caption points-wise.
Participation Points:
I also award participation points. Every player, regardless of whether they make the winners' list or not, is given 1 credit for every contest they participate in. It doesn't matter whether they submit 1 caption or 100, each week they play is worth 1 credit. When they accrue 4 credits, they are awarded 1 point. In other words, they get 1 point for every 4 contests they play in, regardless of any other points they may or may not receive. To summarize: Participation in 4 contests = 1 point.
Bonuses Awarded:
Everyone listed below, please take a much deserved bow for your efforts!
Week 7 - Song, 3 pts
Week 7 - Photoshop, 10 pts
Cowboy Blob:
Week 11 - Photoshop, 10 pts
Damian G:
Week 3 - Song, 10 pts
Week 11 - Song, 10 pts
hatless in hattiesburg:
Week 2 - Photoshop, 5 pts
Week 9 - Photoshop, 5 pts
Magical Pat:
Week 6 - Song, 5 pts
Week 11 - Photoshop and related parody, 10 pts
Week 5 - Song, 3 pts
Week 7 - Poem, 10 pts
Participation Points Awarded:
Here is a list of everyone who has earned participation points and the number of contests they have participated in. A special thank you and congratulations to all 8 of those who have managed to achieve a perfect attendance record by participating in all 13 contests thus far!:
3 pts (10):
13 - Beerme
13 - benning
13 - Damian G
13 - Doc
13 - John Ruberry
13 - Pam
13 - Rodney Dill
13 - walrus
12 - Steve O
12 - V the K
2 pts (11):
11 - GOP and College
11 - hatless in hattiesburg
11 - LongTabSigO
11 - the man
11 - Stew
10 - radio free fred
9 - Maggie
9 - sgt fluffy
9 - Zsa Zsa
8 - Anna
8 - Greg Finnegan
1 pt (18):
7 - charles austin
7 - Cowboy Blob
7 - Greg
7 - jimmy b
6 - Carl
6 - The Random Yak
6 - spacemonkey
6 - Special Ed
6 - Windhamite
5 - D Carter
5 - Hoodlumman
4 - Adjustah
4 - DaveD
4 - Dave E
4 - I R A Darth Aggie
4 - McGehee
4 - ScottG
4 - W.C. Varones
If anyone is curious as to whom we have managed to fold, spindle, mangle and/or mutilate thus far, here is a list of the poor, hapless victims of your rapier wit through the 13th contest of Season Two, with our most frequent prey listed first (number of appearances in parentheses). Anonymous by-standers are not included. Keep in mind that more than one celebrity may appear in the same picture, and that the President of the United States is easily the most photographed individual in the world on a week to week basis, making him the most likely to appear in a picture that screams out to be captioned at any given time!:
George W. Bush (7)
Hillary Clinton (4)
Howard Dean (3)
Ted Kennedy (3)
Harry Reid (3)
Chuck Schumer (3)
Cindy Sheehan (3)
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (2)
Hugo Chavez (2)
Bill Clinton (2)
Al Gore (2)
John Kerry (2)
Ray Nagin (2)
Nancy Pelosi (2)
John Roberts (2)
Donald Rumsfeld (2)
Al Sharpton (2)
Kofi Annan
Harry Belafonte
Joe Biden
John Bolton
Barbara Boxer
Stephen Breyer
Jimmy Carter
Fidel Castro
Dick Cheney
Jacques Chirac
James Clyburn
Russ Feingold
Dianne Feinstein
Al Franken
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Danny Glover
Saddam Hussein
Jesse Jackson
William Jefferson
Kim Jong-Il
Junichiro Koizumi
Osama bin Laden
Ned Lamont
Pat Leahy
Joe Lieberman
John McCain
Cynthia McKinney
John Murtha
Barack Obama
Lisa Marie Presley
Priscilla Presley
Condoleezza Rice
Karl Rove
Tony Snow
John Paul Stevens
Clarence Thomas
Abu Musab al Zarqawi
Ayman al Zawahiri
Other subjects...
Modern Art
Polar Bear
Road Sign
Santa Claus
World Can't Wait
Is there anyone in particular that we've missed that you would like me to keep an eye out for? Let me know. I can't promise anything, only that if I spot a good picture of some poor soul we've overlooked until now who is need of a good drubbing, I'll snag it (unless, of course, one of the many other caption contests out there beats me to it)!
And now, ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present to you:
The Official Right Place Season Two, First Quarter CapHOG Honor Roll...
NOTE: Ties were allowed to stand, but to determine the order in which the players were listed, tie-breaks were applied as follows (in order):
Top Finish; Times at Top Finish; Second Highest Finish; Times at Second Highest Finish; Each Successive Remaining Ordinal; Times at Each Successive Remaining Ordinal; Times Charted; Times Participated; Week of Most Recent Participation.
[82 Times Charted, 11 Top Fives, 11 Other Top Tens, 2 Bonuses]
[48 Times Charted, 12 Top Fives, 9 Other Top Tens]
[21 Times Charted, 7 Top Fives, 4 Other Top Tens, 1 Bonus]
[16 Times Charted, 4 Top Fives, 1 Other Top Ten, 2 Bonuses]
[21 Times Charted, 4 Top Fives, 2 Other Top Tens]
[13 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 4 Other Top Tens, 2 Bonuses]
[19 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 3 Other Top Tens]
[17 Times Charted, 3 Top Fives, 1 Other Top Ten]
[15 Times Charted, 2 Top Fives, 2 Other Top Tens]
[14 Times Charted, 2 Top Fives, 2 Other Top Tens]
[6 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 1 Bonus]
[9 Times Charted, 2 Top Fives, 2 Other Top Tens]
[6 Times Charted, 3 Top Fives]
[6 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 1 Bonus]
[6 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 1 Other Top Ten]
[3 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 2 Other Top Tens]
[10 Times Charted, 1 Top Five]
[7 Times Charted, 1 Top Five]
[5 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 1 Other Top Ten]
[4 Times Charted, 1 Top Five]
[5 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 1 Other Top Ten]
[11 Times Charted, 1 Top Ten]
[9 Times Charted, 2 Top Tens]
[7 Times Charted, 1 Top Five]
[8 Times Charted, 1 Top Ten]
THE CONTENDERS (Minimum of 10 points each)
9 Points
Dave E.
W.C. Varones
Greg Finnegan
7 Points
6 Points
Magical Pat
5 Points
Greg Toombs
4 Points
Zsa Zsa
3 Points
N.B. Goldstein
Dr. Phat Tony
2 Points
Buckley F. Williams
Alan Kellogg
1 Point
Colonel Steve
Omnibus Driver
Stephen Macklin
Julie L.
Congratulations to one and all, and thank you so much for playing!
Year Two CAP-HOG Posts...
First Quarter Round-Up
The First Annual Captions Hall of Glory Championship Edition!
How the points were awarded:
1st Place = 10 pts
2nd Place = 7 pts
3rd Place = 5 pts
4th or 5th Place = 3 pts
6th Place thru 10th Place = 2 pts
11th Place or Lower, Honorable Mention, or Bonus Caption = 1 pt
Photoshop or Other Creative Work Linked to = 1 pt
Photoshop or Other Especially Clever Creative Work Displayed = 5 pts
I also awarded participation points. Every player, regardless of whether they made the winners' list or not, was given 1 credit for every contest they participated in. It didn't matter whether they submitted 1 caption or 100, each week they played was worth 1 credit. When they accrued 4 credits, they were awarded 1 point. In other words, they got 1 point for every 4 contests they played in, regardless of any other points they may or may not have received...
Participation in 4 contests = 1 pt
Here is a list of everyone who earned participation points and the number of contests they participated in:
12 pts (1):
50 - Rodney Dill
10 pts (2):
41 - D. Carter
40 - spacemonkey
9 pts (2):
37 - Maggie
36 - Doc
8 pts (3):
33 - Hoodlumman
33 - the man
33 - V the K
7 pts (6):
31 - Stew
30 - Steve O
29 - Damian G.
29 - Zsa Zsa
28 - Special Ed
28 - walrus
6 pts (4):
27 - Anna
26 - John Ruberry
24 - McGehee
24 - Pam
5 pts (5):
23 - T.M.
22 - Buckley F. Williams
22 - SJJ
20 - Will Franklin
20 - Windhamite
4 pts (11):
19 - DaveD
19 - jimmy b
18 - Carl
18 - don
18 - Dr. Phat Tony
17 - charles austin
17 - Sgt. Fluffy
16 - Chris
16 - GOP and College
16 - LongTabSigO
3 pts (8):
15 - I. Ronnie
14 - Greg Finnegan
14 - MFG
14 - radio free fred
13 - Bill W.
13 - Laurence Simon
12 - Bob
12 - hatless in hattiesburg
2 pts (8):
11 - Good Lt.
11 - Peter Halabu
10 - DeanS
10 - ILikeIke
8 - bullwinkle
8 - McCain
8 - Randy
8 - Rob B.
1 pt (23):
7 - Jeanette
7 - Son of the Godfather
7 - Songbird
7 - TC@LeatherPenguin
6 - Chris Short
6 - Dave Craddock
6 - Dave E
6 - FrauBudgie
6 - Pluto's Dad
6 - Scot
5 - bohemianlikeyou
5 - joe-6-pack
5 - Mr. Snitch!
5 - ScottG
4 - Brainster
4 - COGirl
4 - David McKay
4 - Greg (1)
4 - Magical Pat
4 - MorningSun
4 - opine6
4 - RFA
4 - serfer
A total of 73 different players participated in at least 4 contests! Thank you one and all.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present to you:
The Official Right Place Year One CapHOG Honor Roll...
NOTE: Ties were allowed to stand this time, but to determine the order in which the players were listed, tie-breaks were applied as follows (in order):
Top Finish; Times at Top Finish; Second Highest Finish; Times at Second Highest Finish; Each Successive Remaining Ordinal; Times at Each Successive Remaining Ordinal; Times Charted; Times Participated; Week of Most Recent Participation.
[92 Times Charted, 31 Top Fives, 51 Top Tens]
[87 Times Charted, 25 Top Fives, 42 Top Tens, 1 Photoshop, 3 Creativity Bonuses]
[74 Times Charted, 21 Top Fives, 45 Top Tens]
THE ELITE (The rest of the top 25)
[93 Times Charted, 18 Top Fives, 28 Top Tens, 1 Creativity Bonus]
[44 Times Charted, 11 Top Fives, 23 Top Tens]
[35 Times Charted, 10 Top Fives, 21 Top Tens]
[27 Times Charted, 8 Top Fives, 11 Top Tens]
[25 Times Charted, 7 Top Fives, 18 Top Tens]
[17 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 10 Photoshops]
[16 Times Charted, 4 Top Fives, 10 Top Tens]
[19 Times Charted, 6 Top Fives, 12 Top Tens]
[24 Times Charted, 6 Top Fives, 11 Top Tens]
[23 Times Charted, 6 Top Fives, 14 Top Tens]
[14 Times Charted, 6 Top Fives, 9 Top Tens]
[19 Times Charted, 4 Top Fives, 8 Top Tens, 1 Creativity Bonus]
[16 Times Charted, 6 Top Fives, 8 Top Tens]
[14 Times Charted, 3 Top Fives, 8 Top Tens]
[12 Times Charted, 5 Top Fives, 9 Top Tens, 2 Photoshops]
[20 Times Charted, 2 Top Fives, 9 Top Tens]
[8 Times Charted, 4 Top Fives, 5 Top Tens]
[23 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 8 Top Tens]
[9 Times Charted, 4 Top Fives, 6 Top Tens, 1 Photoshop]
[11 Times Charted, 3 Top Fives, 7 Top Tens]
[7 Times Charted, 4 Top Fives, 7 Top Tens]
[7 Times Charted, 2 Top Fives, 6 Top Tens]
[7 Times Charted, 2 Top Fives, 6 Top Tens]
[11 Times Charted, 2 Top Fives, 6 Top Tens]
[12 Times Charted, 1 Top Five, 6 Top Tens]
[Those of you listed above, don't forget to scroll down and pick up the code for your HOG Top 25 badge, which you may now wear proudly on your blog forever more! Those of you below, you may also pick up a generic Caption HOG badge for your own blog! Details are at the bottom of this post.]
THE CONTENDERS (Minimum of 10 points each)
9 Points
Gerry Owen
8 Points
Dave Craddock
7 Points
Sean P
Mr. Snitch!
6 Points
Estel [aka anybodyinpoulsbo]
5 Points
Lorie Byrd
Axel Kassel
4 Points
Dave E
Good Lt.
3 Points
bill c
Greg Toombs
Scot [aka liberaltreehugger]
2 Points
Stephen Johnson
Dane Bramage
Walter Clark
Ferdinand T. Cat
John the Trog
Tony M
Emile Zola
David McKay
1 Point
Republican Vet
W.C. Varones
Chris Short
Pluto's Dad
Greg (1)
Congratulations to one and all, and thank you so much for playing!
All Season One Winning Caption Contest Entries...
#1 - Oh, Thank Heaven for 7/11 Edition
#2 - Fickle Finger of Fate Edition
#3 - Things Are Looking Up Edition
#4 - Rage in the Cage Edition
#5 - Not So Mellow Fellow in Yellow Edition
#6 - The Beards and the Beads Edition
#7 - Weapons of Mash Destruction Edition
#8 - You're Al I Ever Wanted Edition
#9 - His Cup Runneth Over Edition
#10 - The Eyes Have It Edition
#11 - Jeepers Veepers Edition
#12 - Huggermugger Edition
#13 - Ear's to You Edition
#14 - Heavy Medal Edition
#15 - Village of the Damned Edition
#16 - White on Rice Edition
#17 - Sunny Side Up Edition
#18 - Absentee Mallet Edition
#19 - French Tickler Edition
#20 - In Through the Out Door Edition
#21 - Frankenstein Meets Godzilla Edition
#22 - Heaven Must Be Missing an Angel Edition
#23 - Spirits of Christmas Present Edition
#24 - Dorito Bandito Edition
#25 - Shadow of His Former Self Edition
#26 - When the Saints Go Mouthing Off Edition
#27 - The Face That Sunk 1000 Ships Edition
#28 - Surely You Jest Edition
#29 - And the Camel They Rode in on Edition
#30 - Chucky Squeeze Edition
#31 - On Dangerous Ground Edition
#32 - Here's Cooking at You Edition
#33 - Catch a Falling Star Edition
#34 - Iran So Far Away Edition
#35 - Weapons of MASS. Obstruction Edition
#36 - Censure and Sensibility Edition
#37 - Big Easy Rider Edition
#38 - Acid Reflex Edition
#39 - Pride in Prejudice Edition
#40 - A Bush in the Hand Edition
#41 - Wouldn't You Give a Hand to a Friend Edition
#42 - The Forecast Calls for Snow Edition
#43 - I Shot the Sharif Edition
#44 - Giving Him the Boot Edition
#45 - Frozen Assets Edition
#46 - In Over Her Head Edition
#47 - Globe Al Warming Edition
#48 - A Thousand Points of Light Edition
#49 - All Your Fitzmas Are Belong to Us Edition
#50 - Russian Hands and Roman Fingers Edition
#51 - Junichiro Has Left the Building Edition
#52 - Out to Launch Edition
Year One CAP-HOG Posts...
Thru Contest #15
Thru Contest #20
Thru Contest #30
Thru Contest #40
Year One Championship Edition!
Do you blog? Are you a proud member of the Captions Hall of Glory? Please steal one of these lovely logos and link to this post from the margin of your blog:

Logos courtesy of Hoodlumman of File It Under...
Just use one of the following codes:
HOG Top 25
[p][a href="http://intherightplace.blogspot.com/2004/10/right-place-photo-caption-contest-hall.html"][img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1105/630/400/HOG_top25.jpg" border="0" alt="Right Place Photo Caption Contest Hall of Glory Top 25" /][/a][/p]
Replace each "[" with "<" and each "]" with ">". The result is this...
Caption HOG
[p][a href="http://intherightplace.blogspot.com/2004/10/right-place-photo-caption-contest-hall.html"][img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1105/630/1600/HOG_caption.jpg" border="0" alt="Right Place Photo Caption Contest Hall of Glory" /][/a][/p]
Replace each "[" with "<" and each "]" with ">". The result is this...
Thanks again, Hoodlumman!
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!
Not exactly rocket science figuring that one out, eh?
What do you want? A cookie?
What do you want? A cookie?
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Friday, October 01, 2004
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