Beeks: That's "happy." In this country we say "Happy New Year."
Billy Ray: Oh, ho, ho, thank you for correcting my English which stinks!
The opposite of right is left. The opposite of right is also wrong. Is it any wonder that the left is always wrong?
You can't claim that education is your No. 1 priority while pandering to teachers unions. Nor can you fight against international trade when the evidence is clear that it creates wealth and profoundly improves the lives of people in poor countries.But no! We HAVE to raise the minimum wage to $7.50! We have to increase our minimum wages by 45%, while other countries are lowering their wages. That doesn't look like an incentive to outsource at all, does it?
(And, in the short term, trade makes possible all those cheap goods at Wal-Mart that stretch the paychecks of the people the party is supposed to represent.)
Raising the minimum wage? Yes, it will make a lot of people better off -- and it will speed up the process of outsourcing and automation, which will make a lot of other people worse off. Raising the minimum wage is not an economic plan for making the nation more productive; at best, it's a transfer of wealth, and not even the most efficient way of doing that.
Beijing residents have been warned to stay indoors as the city's pollution index hit its highest level amid the worst conditions since coal-fired power plants kicked into gear for winter.
Every monitoring station in Beijing's urban districts recorded levels of particulates seven times higher than the safety standard, the Beijing environmental protection bureau said.
Sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide levels, emitted by coal furnaces and cars, were also several times over standards, it said.
"The city environmental protection bureau is alerting citizens to reduce outside activities under such conditions. Frail people or those sensitive to pollution should take measures to protect themselves," it said.
The pollution levels were the worst in the capital since the winter heating season began in early November, when the city fired up its nearly 6,000 coal-fired furnaces, it said.
"[Annan] will accuse the administration of trying to secure the United States from terrorism in part by dominating other nations through force, committing what he termed human rights abuses and taking military action without broad international support." - USA Today
European Socialists eager to work with U.S. Democrats
OPORTO, Portugal (Reuters) - European Socialists promised on Thursday to work to rebuild Europe's strategic alliance with the United States now that the Democrats control Congress after last month's elections.Socialist leaders attending a meeting of the European Socialist Party pledged that with the Democrats on the rise, strong ties could be renewed with the United States after years of cool relations with Republican George W. Bush.
Howard Dean, chairman of the national committee of the U.S. Democratic Party, is attending the two-day conference together with the leaders of leftist governments of several countries and party leaders from across Europe.
Socrates said Dean's Democrats "should know that they can count on European Socialists" for support.
Jimmee Carter shows us that even though the hated American Jews will continue to inhabit our rightful lands, there is hope that we, the freedom fighters of Hizbu'llah, can, with Allah's help - find a way to kill more Jews. The hated evil (death to) America(n) people have plenty of riches. Which we will take. And though the infidel doesn't mind eating the flesh of the most unclean animal, we, the freedom fighters of Hizbu'llah can use this unclean animal to attack the Jews in their homes.
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Felipe Calderon took power as Mexico's president on Friday in a chaotic ceremony rattled by fist fights in Congress and jeering protests from leftists who claim he stole a July election that sparked months of political unrest.They claim, but they have no evidence. Just like Florida. And Ohio.
Surrounded by bodyguards, the conservative Calderon slipped into Congress through a back door, quickly declared the oath of office and put on the presidential sash as left-wingers who had vowed to stop him taking office screamed "Get out! Get out!"
He was then rushed out again. The lightning-fast ceremony lasted just four minutes, including the singing of the national anthem, and Calderon was unable to make his inaugural speech.
[...]Dozens of rival deputies earlier threw punches and chairs at each other and leftists built barricades to block the main doors and try to prevent Calderon from entering the building.
Although Calderon's security team outwitted his opponents in Congress, the brawls underlined Mexico's deep political divide and cast doubt on how successful Calderon can be in ending the unrest that followed his razor-thin election victory.
After Michael Richards went on Jesse Jackson’s radio show, Jesse had a New Idea.
He will lean on the entertainment and music industries to ban the N-word. NPR reported this morning that Jesse also will ban the “w” word for prostitute, and the “b” word for a female dog.
To avoid constitutional problems, he won’t go for a law. He will simply lean on people to comply. With him.
The spray of bullets hit the car 21 times, after the vehicle rammed into an undercover officer and then twice into an unmarked New York Police Department minivan, police said.
GOP and College Says: "That crap Nancy fed me about "You should be House Majority Leader" gave me the runs. Ugh.... "
So let's get on with the winners!
-- "Wahhhhhhhhhhhh!" - Benning
-- Rutgers? RUTGER... Oh wait, they lost. - walrus
-- Pelosi: "Bush gets to pose with a turkey for Thanksgiving, and so do I." - Rodney Dill
-- Aging Betty Boop and Porky Pig do politics. - Doc
-- Even Jack Mutha has trouble adjusting to Pelosi's new low-cut dresses... - Steve O
-- Nancy to John, "If you had gone to my plastic surgeon and gotten rid of that turkey neck, you might have won." - Doc
#10 "Just go up to your Congressman and say, 'Oops, I crapped my pants!'" - Damien G
#9 "The flags are just props, it's not like I give a rat's ass for this country." - walrus
#8 Murtha: When she said we'd be "in bed together," I thought she was talking about politics... - The Random Yak
#7 Speaker Pelosi basks in victory as the candidate she supported comes in a solid second. - Steve O
#6 Murtha: "Well you won't have me to kick around anymore."
Pelosi: "Good thing we still have John Kerry." - Rodney Dill
#5 Murtha tries to figure out how to "cut and run" from this latest political disaster - er - appearance. - The Random Yak
#4 While Nancy muttered "Should not have had that third bean burrito" to herself, the others quickly learned the meaning of - 'silent but deadly'. - elliot
#3 "Jack, could I use some of the skin from your jowls to even out my face?" - Damien G
#2 "Maybe If I Used The "N" Word I Would Get Some Attention, NUTS! NUTS! NUTS!" - Radio Free Fred
And The Winner:
#1 Pelosi: "Sorry John, as God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly." - Rodney Dill
Thank you players! See you for this week's contest!
Previous Winners:
So you know the drill, and entries are due Tuesday at 11:59 PM!
Also, I'm not only hosting this caption contest, I'm hosting a contest at GOP and College as well! Be sure that that is your next stop on the web.
Also, we not only love hosting contests, but we enjoy giving our blogger buddies a laugh with our entries in their contests. So please be sure to stop by there as well.
Bagel Blogger (Where I took 2nd Place last week!)
GOP and College
GOP & the City
Gone Rick Motel
Outside the Beltway
Dear beloved CAPHOGs, I must humbly apologize for shirking my duties lately, but I am afraid that I am going to have to delay my return to the helm of the caption contest for another couple of weeks.
I never intended to be gone so long, but after managing to keep the contest running uninterrupted for 66 straight weeks, a series of unrelated events have been running interference between me and my beloved photo caption contest!
Week 1: I wanted to shorten the time from start to finish of our contests from the ridiculous week and a half it had been running to less than a week, so I asked GOPAC to help out so that I wouldn't have to chose between skipping a week and having two contests to judge while trying to prep my research heavy Congressional ratings post.
Week 2: Blogoweeniversary II, an immense undertaking that also ended up involving my creating a shadow blog and having it ready to roll out just in case Blogger hadn't cleared up a series of technical problems in time for the big event. Once again, GOPAC did a magnificent job of standing in.
Week 3: Instead of spending time on the contest, I felt I could make a more important contribution by working with the GOP GOTV effort. I actually helped out in a rare case of a GOP win in one of the most hotly contested races in the country! Mission accomplished, but a somewhat hollow victory in the end. Again, kudos to GOPAC for saving our contest.
Week 4: Physically and mentally drained, I spent the last week avoiding most things like blogs, talk radio and news in order to avoid becoming some twisted conservative version of a Moonbat, obsessed with losing and angry at the world. After all, there are other things in life. Again, GOPAC to the rescue!
Feeling refreshed, I have begun to once again dip my toes back into the waters, but...
Weeks 5-6: I have now been slapped with a combo of extra hours at work and family obligations on the wrong days... the very days I would normally use to prep and then judge the contest! Aaarrrggghhh!!!
So here is the scoop: I am giving up on November and turning the helm over to GOPAC for the next couple of weeks. I will try, schedule permitting, to return to hosting the contest in December if at all possible. I will return, folks, just not as soon as I'd like!
In the meantime, please continue to support GOP & College and his usual, marvelous job of giving us all a contest to play during my extended absence. I really can't thank him enough for all he has done, and I really can't thank all of you enough for your patience, understanding and razor sharp wits that make our contests so very special!
Mr. Right
Convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff is scheduled to report to federal prison tomorrow, over the objections of federal prosecutors who say they still need his help to pursue leads on officials he allegedly bribed.Sources close to the investigation say Abramoff has provided information on his dealings with and campaign contributions and gifts to "dozens of members of Congress and staff," including what Abramoff has reportedly described as "six to eight seriously corrupt Democratic senators."
Six to eight? The pari-mutual window is now open. I've got my money on Senators Reid and Durbin, and of course Senator Menendez. It's kind of hard to quell the suspicion that you're just as corrupt as the gang you pushed out when your Speaker of the House-to-be wants an Abscam figure as majority leader and a former judge impeached and removed for bribery as chairman of the Intelligence Committee.
MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, Kan. - All of the attention embarrasses him, but as this Chief Master Sergeant learned recently, a lifetime of caring and good deeds is bound to catch up with you eventually.
Chief Master Sgt. John Gebhardt, superintendent of the 22nd Wing Medical Group here, recently gained worldwide attention for a photo of him holding an injured Iraqi child. The photo was taken about a month ago, while he was deployed to Balad Air Base in Iraq.
The young infant had received extensive gunshot injuries to her head when insurgents attacked her family killing both of her parents and many of her siblings. The chief had a knack for comforting her and they often would catch a cat nap together in a chair.
WASHINGTON — After toppling the long-dominant Republicans in a hard-fought election, the Democratic Party's incoming congressional leaders have immediately found themselves in another difficult struggle — with their own supporters.The one thing the Dems weren't counting on was the one thing that the GOP had to work with when they gained control before, the fact that the outer reaches claim the victory, and demand reparations.
Some of the very activists who helped propel the Democrats to a majority in the House and Senate last week are claiming credit for the victories and demanding what they consider their due: a set of ambitious — and politically provocative — actions on gun control, abortion, national security and other issues that party leaders fear could alienate moderate voters and leave Democrats vulnerable to GOP attacks as big spenders or soft on terrorism.
"That ('under God') part is sort of offensive to me," student trustee Jason Ball, who proposed the ban, told Reuters. "I am an atheist and a socialist, and if you know your history, you know that 'under God' was inserted during the McCarthy era and was directly designed to destroy my ideology."I don't see why Ball should be so up tight about the pledge. After all, it was written by socialist Francis Bellamy in 1892.
According to the Treasury Department, all American taxpayers will experience a tax increase if the 2001 and 2003 tax provisions are not made permanent. On average:
* 115 million taxpayers will see a $1,716 increase.
* 84 million women will see a $1,970 increase.
* 48 million married couples will see a $2,726 increase.
* 42 million families with children will see a $2,084 increase.
* 12 million single women with children will see a $1,062 increase.
* 17 million seniors will see a $2,034 increase.
* 26 million small business owners will see a $3,637 increase.
* More than 5 million low-income individuals and couples will no longer be exempt from individual income tax.
NEW YORK (AP) -- Wall Street's three-day winning streak came to an end Thursday as investors, taking a second look at Tuesday's election results, questioned whether a Democratic Congress would be friendly to business.Another thing that may change, the trade deficit narrowed by the most in the last 5 years.
The losing session, which was also influenced by rising oil prices and a drop in consumer confidence, was to be expected after three days of gains that included a new closing high Wednesday for the Dow Jones industrials. Investors had driven stocks broadly higher this week on optimism that Democrats taking control of Congress would cause political gridlock that would be favorable to businesses.
But after more time to mull over the election, investors are starting to become concerned about an "anti-business stance" among Democrats in Washington, said John O'Donoghue, co-head of equities at Cowen & Co.
5. After exorcising Mike Dewine in Ohio, the voters will finally look at Sherrod Brown, collectively slap their foreheads like Alec Guinness at the end of The Bridge on the River Kwai and, ashen-faced, mutter Col. Nicholson's famous line, "My God, what have I done?"(cross-posted at Joust The Facts)
4. Militant leftist gays across America will struggle to find a new word for this. (Note: not for the children, or anyone with a conscience or a sensitive stomach.)
3. Nancy Pelosi, on becoming Speaker of the House, will show up on the first day of the next Congress dressed as Lucy Van Pelt and be carrying a football labeled "impeachment."
2. More dead people than dogs will be found to have voted for Claire McCaskill in Missouri.
1. We'll never hear the word 'macaca' again.
...While we endorse the local congressman in his re-election bid, we fear the spending spree that might result from a shift in power, especially as President Bush attempts to carve out a positive legacy in the final two years of his second term.
Our endorsement of Murtha over Republican challenger Diana Irey is done for some reasons that might surprise our readers, and comes with some words of caution for the longtime lawmaker....
Murtha did predict that Bush would be willing to do some dealing during his final two years, especially if the House shifts from Republican to Democratic control. Quite simply, that means spending more money at a time when our federal debt is soaring out of sight.
We urge the congressman, if re-elected, to push for reduced rather than increased spending – even if it means some of the “pork” local folks have come to love is not available.
After all, why should we get excited about Murtha bringing our own money back to this area? We’d rather keep it and spend it as we see fit.
We would also urge Murtha to sit down with area veterans who clearly have different views on the Iraq conflict than he does.
We are frightened by Murtha’s willingness to align himself with California Democrat Nancy Pelosi. Clearly, Murtha is hoping that relationship paves the way for his ascension to a position of higher power in the House. But we don’t believe our region’s values match well with Pelosi’s, and we don’t see much good coming for the 12th district – even if the relationship benefits the congressman.
Beyond that, Murtha has endeared himself to liberals on both coasts – raising money for his allies in California, New England and elsewhere. We hope he can keep these “friends” and their spending ways in check if the Democrats retake the House.
We are somewhat impressed with Irey, who presents herself as a thoughtful and articulate candidate.
She has some ideas that we’re interested in, including reducing federal spending.
We have opposed closing the borders to immigration, something she supports.
In the end, we endorse Murtha for another go-round in Washington.
But we urge him to remain faithful to his fiscally and socially conservative western Pennsylvania roots – even if it costs him in personal gain and national influence.