Thursday, November 03, 2005

Blogoweeniversary I - The EVIL Place

The following post is a conglomeration of over 50 separate posts from an 18 hour period beginning Sunday Night, Oct. 30, 2005 and ending at midnight on the following night - Halloween. It was a "blog party" featuring over a dozen bloggers, most of them in "costume" until the unmasking session at the very end. Some of the better comments to the posts amongst the participants themselves have been included here as well. A few additional visuals have also been added to make it easier to tell which character is posting at any given time.

This post was designed to make the whole experience much easier to follow, because it would need to be read from bottom to top in its original form to be in sequence!

I hope you enjoy it!

It's Our First Blogoweeniversary!

• posted by Mr. Right

It's Halloween at The Right Place, and all is not as it seems...

Many strange bloggers are lurking about in disguise, seeking to feed on the flesh of our readers - I wonder who they are?

Well, that would be telling, now wouldn't it...

They are here to help us celebrate our First Blogiversary in a very special way.

Late on Halloween Night, all will be revealed. Of course, you could always cheat and click the reveal links they may offer to you to peek at their identities ahead of time, but be warned... you never know what's lurking beyond that link! Trick... or treat!

So scroll on down and have some fun... but don't say I didn't warn you!

Happy Halloween!

This "Blog" Belongs to Me Now!

• posted by Dr. Evil

Listen up, you insolent little turds!

I have taken over your precious little "blog"!

If you ever wish to see Mr. Right again, you will send me the sum of...


Be warned, if anyone tries to stop me, I will dip him in liquid hot magma and feed him to my mutated sea bass with frickin' laser beams on their frickin' heads!

You have until midnight tomorrow to comply!

Muwahahahaha! Muwahahahaha! Muwahahahaha! Muwahahahaha! Muwahahahaha! Muwahahahaha!...

Dr. Evil's Blogger Profile

Ruin everything - unmask me now!

Helen is worser

• posted by Madeline Albright (SecState, former)

Why would people buy a mask of yours truly for Halloween? I'm not scary. Look, I'm really not. Look at this one: it really is scary! Helen is way worser than I am.
Glorious MeHorrendous Helen


Next to you two, Frau is like Miss Frickin' Universe!
Seriously, ladies. Bag it before going out in public, okay?

-Dr. Evil-

Fly away little bee, fly away!

-Bee Silent-


• posted by Boris Karloff

Good Evening. Consider "The Right Place" a haunted castle. Hospitable under normal circumstances, this blog is now under the spell and control of unspeakable evil. And we're just getting started. The good doctor was kind enough to run 50,000 volts through me a few minutes ago, and I feel frisky!

"The Monster" wills it, so let the fun begin.

You can unmask Boris now, or you can allow the horror to build, the suspense to turn your pitiful nerves to jelly. Come on, resist, don’t spoil the fun we have planned!


I shall call him...

-Dr. Evil-

EEErrrr, huh, nnnnn, grunt.
Yes, I speak "Frank"

-Bee Silent-

Unhappy Halloween you right wing jerks

• posted by Al Franken

Al here.

Al Franken that is.

And I'm rather peeved. My life hasn't exactly been a bed of roses lately. I can't seem to find a job and there's no Team Franken to help me out with this.

I got this gig because Mr. Right felt sorry for me. But, if you think for one nanosecond I'm going to be a nice guy, fuh-gedd-aboutit.

I'm here to put forth the TRUE liberal philosophy that you just won't hear about from those wimps that run things.

So get ready.

And remember, you can stop me anytime by writing letters, emails and calling Saturday Night Live and begging them to bring me back. C'mon I NEED A JOB for crissakes!


I'd hire you, but let's face it Al - for you the "Diet Coke of Evil" would be a major step up.

You are more like the "Diet Shasta of Evil." You are nowhere NEAR evil enough!

-Dr. Evil-

"I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries."

Somehow, it was just so fitting for you Smelly Al!

-Bee Silent-


• posted by Bee Silent

State of confusion...

One bright morning,
In the middle of the night.
Two dead boys,
Got up to fight.

Back to back,
They faced each other,
Drew their swords
And shot each other.

A deaf policeman
Heard the noise,
And came to shoot
Those two dead boys.

If you don't believe
This tale is true,
Go ask the blind man.
He saw it, too.


Your poetry strangely arouses me.
Perhaps we could make some "honey" together?

-Dr. Evil-

Is it the dead, or the lack of senses that draws you?

-Bee Silent-

As a fully-certified Doctor of Evil, violence and suffering amuse me.

Also, the entire work is something of an enigma. (I like saying that word almost as much as "magma.")

But I'm also a fickle person, and the mood no longer prevails. Don't take it too hard. I usually kill after mating anyway.

-Dr. Evil-

I shall weep into my honey...

-Bee Silent-

Al Darling....

• posted by Madeline Albright (SecState, former)

...just between you and me (the readers of this blog will ignore our intimate confab) - What did you know and when did you know it about that little boys and girls club and the money?

pretty please?

my lips are sealed!

Typical Lying, Paleface, Propoganda

• posted by Ward Churchill

Many people speak with great wonder and joy of this "Halloween/Blogoversary" celebration being held here at The Right Place. But do they know the real story? I think not.

Let me educate you palefaces. Your precious friends at "The Right Place", like all so-called "bloggers", are nothing but no-good thieves who have once again taken from my people what is rightfully theirs.

First of all, the word "blog" is derived from the ancient Navajo term "ke-mo-blog-ee", which literally translated means "he who sits at his computer checking his Sitemeter statistics for many moons without ever bothering to eat, bathe or even look at porn."

I'll bet you didn't know that did you? That's because the white man doesn't want you to know. Do these "bloggers" acknowledge their roots by paying tribute to my people? Don't make me laugh.

But there's more. I actually created this ke-mo-blog-ee. Except at the time it was called "Teepee Talk With Ward." I brought Mr. Right in about six months after I started to help out. The next thing I knew, his high-powered paleface lawyers took away my site, renamed it and took down all of the pictures of my original paintings.

So enjoy your little party Right, but you haven't heard the last of Ward Churchill.

Go ahead, Click Here to commit yet another vile and treacherous act against my people.


Hello there, "Kemo-Sabe"!
You are about as much an Indian as I am a Maple Tree.
Go stand in front of a cigar store where you belong!

-Dr. Evil-


• posted by Bee Silent


Ah the one who will be cloned millions of times to be the 72 virgins for all those brave martyrs!


I think Madame Mim is insulted!

-Bee Silent-

To Mr or Miss Bee

• posted by Madeline Albright (SecState, former)

See, I told you she was worser than me!


Yes, she looks as though she's ready to pinch someone's cheeks! "Oh, my little snookums!"

-Bee Silent-

How Do You Like Your Little Wingnut Blog Now???

• posted by Dr. Evil

There's a lot more where that came from, girlfriend!

My homeys and I are going to be right here until I get my {Snap!} MILLLLLION DOLLARS!


And I would like it to be in small, non-sequentially numbered, unmarked bills.

Make it quick, or we'll post more pictures of Helen Thomas!!!


Dr. Evil's Blogger Profile

Ruin everything - unmask me now!

Well, Isn't that Special?

• posted by Madeline Albright (SecState, former)

Church Chat Lady
This isn't me either...

Woo-hoo--Lets go Cubs

• posted by John Ruberry

Nothing like someone like myself, whether intentionally or not, dropping by to destroy an October celebration.


Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Ah front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman
Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman

-Dr. Evil-


• posted by Bee Silent

'She lives beyond the grace of God, a wanderer in the outer darkness. She is "vampyr", "nosferatu". These creatures do not die like the bee after the first sting, but instead grow strong and become immortal once infected by another nosferatu. So, my friends we fight not one beast but legions that go on age after age after age, feeding on the blood of the living.'

$680k For A Powder Blue Ford Escort?

• posted by Boris Karloff

I wonder what he’d pay for a 1976 Pacer?

"The car will never be driven," said O'Quinn, who said that at least temporarily it will be warehoused with his other cars. "But hopefully, in my life, I'll be able to go back and touch this car and feel the pope's spirit."

O'Quinn, a personal injury lawyer who made a fortune in a multibillion dollar Texas tobacco settlement, outbid least seven other would-be buyers.

Mr. O’Quinn made his money by bilking taxpayers and smokers in the tobacco settlement, and by cashing in on perceived problems with silicone breast implants, problems which later proved to be non-existent.

In an overall consideration of the epidemiological evidence, the committee noted that because there are more than 1.5 million adult women of all ages in the United States with silicone breast implants, some of these women would be expected to develop connective tissue diseases, cancer, neurological diseases, or other systemic complaints or conditions.

Evidence suggests that such diseases or conditions are no more common in women with breast implants than in women without implants.

Personal injury law is very profitable. But John Edwards could have told us that.

In Boris’ opinion, personal injury attorneys should be required to pay cash, three times normal prices, for medical care. Call it “giving something back.”

You can unmask Boris now, or you can allow the horror to build, the suspense to turn your pitiful nerves to jelly. Come on, resist, don’t spoil the fun we have planned!

Pickup Line Contest

• posted by Stephen Johnson

Good evening, Mr. Phelps. Your mission, if you decide to accept, is to come up with a pickup line for Maureen Dowd. Should she accept your offer, we will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Good luck - I think.

Photo C/O Drudge


I Was Spooked-ed

• posted by thespooked

Many years ago my husband was serving our country and was in Southeast Asia. A man whose wife had just died asked me to housesit for the winter so he could go home to his home state.

On New Year's Eve I saw the mailman deliver the mail to the mailbox which was located across the street and I picked up the mail. The next day the boy who took out my trash came in and gave me a letter from my mother-in-law that he said was in the mailbox. I opened the letter and found out my husband's aunt had died. This was very strange because the mail didn't run on New Year's Day, but there was more to come.

A day or so later I awakened to the sound of the ironing board dropping in the basement which was the normal storage place for it. To get to the basement you had to open a trap door and go down the stairs and since I used the ironing board so much I just stored it above the trap door to the side. As I went to go to the basement and see if the ironing board had dropped I realized it was not down in the basement and observed it was upright in its usual position.

I happened to call my mother in law that day and found out that at the exact time I heard the noise my husband's other aunt had died. Now I was spooked.

I had received some cookies from a woman who called herself a witch a couple of weeks before that for Christmas and that's when all these strange things happened. Other things happened but these were the strangest except for when my sister, her boyfriend and my cousin were sitting around in the living room one night just talking.

My sister was on the sofa with me, my cousin was on a swivel chair next to the sofa and my sister's boyfriend was across the room next to a window which had a record player in front of it. Out of the clear blue sky the drapes came down from the window. I don't mean they fell down, they came down very slowly and the sides were even as though someone were holding them. We all watched in amazed silence as they dropped. When they finally dropped they folded back from the floor over the record player.

My cousin and my sister's boyfriend fixed the drapes and all three of them left me home alone with a one year old baby. I told my grandmother about this and told her it all started when I got those cookies from the witch I didn't even know. My grandmother told me to give her the cookies because she wasn't afraid.

A few days after she got the cookies she was fixing her decorations for the house when she heard carolers singing in her front yard. A new snow was falling and although she disliked "The First Noel" that was the song they were singing and it was so beautiful she loved it. She asked my uncle to go check on the carolers but for some reason he wouldn't. The next day she asked everyone if the carolers had come to their houses too and got blank looks. She quit asking and when she looked in her yard where she thought the carolers had been there were no footprints in the fresh snow.

That's my story and it's true or I wouldn't say this.

Like Stupid Kryptonite...

• posted by O-Dub

... Now we can start this party...

I'll show you all how we do it Rabid Democrat StyleTM! I'm only doing this because someone said there was free catering.

But I'm also going to use this invite to rub the Miers nomination and Karl Rove indictment down all of your deep-friedchickenhawk Rethuglican racist throats!

So sit back and let Super Ollie break it down for you - complete with a George Soros funded attitute...

... and snack budget. I brought a little to start us off
  • Two dozen donuts, glazed
  • Two dozen donuts, chocolate
  • half-dozen bear claws
  • Doritos
  • Funyuns
  • Fritos with bean and cheese dip
  • Prezels
  • Twinkies
  • Little Debbie Ho Hos
  • Cheetos
  • Beef jerky
  • Whipped Cream
  • Crackers (and I don't mean all of you - SNAP!)
  • Assorted meat and cheese tray
  • More cheeses
  • Cheeze Whiz
  • Twizzlers
  • Goldfish
Now prepare to be slapped around a bit. I can't wait until the 2006 elections!

And for breakfast!

Who is (not actually) Olliver Willis for Halloween? That's a secret...


Would like a Hot Pocket? They're really good! You should try one.
And I can't help but wonder... Are you related to Fat Bastard?

-Dr. Evil-


• posted by Miss Purrfect

Here's a traditional Halloween tasty treat you can dive into, Kitty Litter Cake, made entirely with purrrr-fectly edible ingredients -- trust me ;-)

Or, if you've got a hankerin' for finger food, try these
Freaky Witches' Fingers!
h/t Lorie




Nice Tootsie rolls you got there. That really is the most disgusting looking cake, yet somehow purrfect for Halloween!

-Bee Silent-

Why thank you! I do think I outdid myself this year

-Miss Purrfect-

I'll try anything once!
OK, six times...


Like Stuck on Stupid Kryptonite...

• posted by O-Dub

You Bush-lovers are so stupid! The O-Dub meter says Smirky is in trouble.

What is the O-Dub meter? When Smirk McSmirky's approval ratings get below my body fat percentage, that triggers the O-Dub meter... and the craving for a bag of tortilla chips with queso and guacamole.

I see Shrub has nominated another rich, white racist to the Supreme Court. Now we'll fire up the Obstructometer 3000TM, piloted by Harry Reid and Howard Dean and get this nomination stalled!

The Obstructometer 3000TM is another Soros creation and just another way that we're gonna take back this country!

Now who wants waffles?!??

Who is (not actually) Olliver Willis for Halloween? That's a secret...


• posted by O-Dub


I have a question for you Miss Purrfect, you right-wing trickster...!!!

How do you tell your tasty concoction from an actual cat-litter box?!?

Damn you and your republican lies!

Who is (not actually) Olliver Willis for Halloween? That's a secret...


Mr. O-Dub-a-rub-dub, you should always sniff your food first

-Miss Purrfect-

Is It My Turn?

• posted by Boris Karloff

Al Gore in 2000!!

John Kerry in 2004!!

I see a trend!! Boris in 2008!!

You can unmask Boris now, or you can allow the horror to build, the suspense to turn your pitiful nerves to jelly. Come on, resist, don’t spoil the fun we have planned!


Sorry, Big Guy!
Hillary 2008 is still more frightening than you!

-Dr. Evil-

Are you all related?! That would be frightening yet oddly believable thought!

-Bee Silent-

You puny and insignificant fools. Do you not fear the next coming of the monster!

-Boris Karloff-

Would You Like Some More Kitty Litter, Ollie?

• posted by Dr. Evil

Don't concern yourself with "O-Tub", Miss Purrfect. He's just upset that I put one over on him this morning.

You see, I told him I had made some of your cake last night and proceeded to hand him Mr. Bigglesworth's Kitty Box.

Blubber-Butt ate about half of it before he finally figured it out!

Muwahahaha! Muwahahaha! Muwahahaha!

By the way, have I told you that I have a thing for kitties? Why don't you come sit on my lap for a nice petting?


Dr. Evil's Blogger Profile

Ruin everything - unmask me now!


That sounds purrrrrrr-fectly wonderful

-Miss Purrfect-

Mr. Bigglesworth was...urp...delicious also!

-Boris Karloff-

It is a good thing for you you were kidding there, Herman Munster.
If anything happens to my kitty, I'll turn you into a Halloween lawn ornament!

-Dr. Evil-



Tell me, Dr. Evil, what are you doing with your little finger?

-Miss Purrfect-

The pinkie? It's my "thing"!
My signature, my motis operandus...

Oh, alright! So it's a nervous habit I developed as a child! It offered me some comfort when I was placed in that burlap sack and beaten with reeds for being insolent!

Are you happy now - you nasty little manx!

-Dr. Evil-

Scary Scalito

• posted by AMonster

Appropriately, the liberals are petrified over the Scary Scalito nomination.

"The Senate needs to find out if the man replacing Miers is too radical for the American people," said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada.

The boys and ghouls over at DU are apparently fully in the spirit of Halloween, saying "Boo!" with all their might! Check out the appropriately scary painting behind the Alito family.

Curious about my identity? Here's a self-portrait:


How appropriate that a post containing a link to DU would also feature a picture of tombstones.

If you catch my drift...

-Dr. Evil-

Re: Scary Scalito

• posted by O-Dub

Snap back, rethuglicans!

Alito is a horrible pick aimed to reward the religious fringe and Pat Roberson/James Dobson right part of the rethuglican base!!!

As soon as I finish lunch, I'll explain more...

These hotwings are d'lish!!

Who is (not actually) Olliver Willis for Halloween? That's a secret...


Hey, Ollie. Your breath still smells a little like Fresh Step. I recommend a breath mint!


-Dr. Evil-


• posted by Al Franken

Yeah, Franken here.

I don't have a lot of time so you putzs better listen up and listen up good. Or I'll smack you around like I did Bill O'Reilly.

There's been a lot of talk and back and forth about me and my radio show. That's Air AMERICA! We called it Air America because we want to represent the OTHER half of America. The half that makes sense.

Now I know that sticks in your craw but I'm a political humorist. Sort of a Nutritious Nuts and Twigs guy with a sweet Candy Inside. And I think it's rollicking fun to beat conservatives senseless with my wit (which is grand) and my inescapable liberal logic.

So deal with it.

I know this is horrible to you and strikes fear but hey, it's Halloween. And I live for this stuff.

Wanna tell me how wrong I am?
Wanna cheat like you did at the last election?
And the election before that?


Let me put it to you this way...

You're NOT good enough, you're NOT smart enough, and doggone it - NOBODY likes you!

-Dr. Evil-

Madam Secretary

• posted by Madeline Albright (SecState, former)

Miss Rice,

I would have you know that the Madam in Madam Secretary is NOT supposed to allude to the world's second oldest profession. I must say that your choice of attire in the picture below DOES seem to allude to that. For the record I must protest. that your fashion is sooo much better than mine.

Besides I was first!
Madam Secretary


Give it up, Maddy!
Rice is a fox. You, on the other hand, are what we call a two-bagger.
One bag over your head, one bag over the guy's head in case yours falls off!

-Dr. Evil-

I'd totally hit it if she wasn't a stupid rethuglican... and there wasn't a risk that my sheer mass would crush her...


You two are so darn mean.
You've made me cry.
You've made me angry.
You don't want to see me when I'm angry!

-Madeline Albright (SecState, former)-

Hey, O-Dub!
Two words: Jenny Craig!

In the meantime, you might want to consider letting the lady have the upsies - if you catch my drift.

-Dr. Evil-

Maddy, you just wouldn't be able to wear those heels! Besides we all know how you like your sensible shoes!

-Bee Silent-

Re: HalloWEEN

• posted by O-Dub

The Franken-meister!! Welcome, bro...

I see you're here to help smack around these stupid wingers, too. It's easy, man... like shooting tuna-fish sanwiches on rye with potato chips in a barrel!

Keep preaching that truth to power on the air, man! Tell it like it is!

I've got your back, man, so don't sweat it.

And, no, my paycheck didn't bounce - why do you ask?

Who is (not actually) Olliver Willis for Halloween? That's a secret...

William Ligue, Jr. Famous White Sox fan, checking in

• posted by John Ruberry

Hello and Happy Halloween. Pretty scary!


I'm sorry. You seem to have mistaken this blog for the Manson Family Reunion.

Two blogs down on your left, you can't miss it - it's the one with the swastikas and "Helter Skelter" blaring on the stereo.

Ta-ta now!

-Dr. Evil -

How Long Can You Tread Water, Rugrat?

• posted by Dr. Evil

We don't tend to get too many trick-or-treaters out here on the island, but the few we do get are in for some nasty tricks instead of treats!

For one thing, Franken keeps asking them for money for his "Boys and Girls Club." Yeah, right! Jigs up, Al. We all know that routine by now.

Next, O-Dub takes THEIR candy and then Boris throws them into the lagoon. He says he wants to see if they can float like the daisy did. Weeeeeird!

We won't even let Madeline (did anyone else just hear the horses whinny?) answer the door. We're certain they'd take one look at her and run away - that would ruin all our fun.

Buh-bye now, I must go! Evil doesn't just happen on its own, you know! Oh, and remember to get me that MILLLLLLION DOLLARS by midnight. Otherwise, I will be forced to do something... rash!

Muwahahaha! Muwahahaha!

Dr. Evil's Blogger Profile

Ruin everything - unmask me now!


• posted by Bee Silent

Ewww, look at them knees! Keep 'em together PLEASE! These two are scary! It must be Halloween for them every day! And he's actually going to come lecture Bush on Islam!

Kim 2008

• posted by Madeline Albright (SecState, former)

I think he would make a good choice as President of the United States in 2008! (Maybe, just maybe, he'll pick me as his running mate!) {crosses fingers and toes}

Go Jung Il!

A picture of me and my bestest friend.
me and my bestest friend

oohhh - look at those fashion mavens in the photo above!

Apologies For My Tardiness

• posted by Leatherface

Hello fellow ghouls and goblins. Sorry I am late. I was out feeling sorry for myself, chainsawing people, charting [ahem] out crimes, and whatnot.

Anywho, let me just say that this is the best Halloween party I've been to in years. I don't get invited to that many, what with the compulsive chainsawing of people and all.

Thanks for throwing this shindig, Mr. Right. Classy [ahem] as always.

Yeah, anyway, down here in Texas [ahem], it's raining cats and dogs. I doubt we'll be getting any trick or treaters with this sort of thunder and lightning. Actually, I got caught in it while riding my bike around town a little bit ago. Wind must've been 40 miles an hour or more, with lightning and sideways drops of rain. I almost fell down and chainsawed myself in half. Man, that would have been a bummer.

So, yeah, if you're not busy, go check out my next victim's blog. He seems like a real unclassy lame-o of a jerk.



Well, don't think I'm not docking your pay, Mr. Stihl! Punctuality is a prized commodity among evil-doers.

Tell me, is that real leather? 'Cause I think I know Naugahyde when I see it!

-Dr. Evil-

Oh, it's real leather, all right.


I love the sound of chain saws....(sniff). They remind me of home!

-Bee Silent-

Like Stupid Corporate Kryptonite

• posted by O-Dub

Corporate Friggin' America!

Always keeping the average American down. Always downsizing and outsourcing... always taking away what American's love.

Karl Rove is somehow behind this.



Who is (not actually) Olliver Willis for Halloween? That's a secret...

Suicide Mistaken For Halloween Decoration

• posted by Leatherface

Did you guys see this?

How morbid, even for me.

Some lady seems to have committed suicide, but people thought she was just a Halloween decoration:

The 42-year-old woman used rope to hang herself across the street from some homes on a moderately busy road late Tuesday or early Wednesday, state police said.

The body, suspended about 15 feet above the ground, could be easily seen from passing vehicles.

State police spokesman Cpl. Jeff Oldham and neighbors said people noticed the body at breakfast time Wednesday but dismissed it as a holiday prank. Authorities were called to the scene more than three hours later.


Dang, even.

I blame Bush and his right-wing cronies.

ALITO: Did You Guys Hear?

• posted by Leatherface

Did you guys hear?

Sam Alito... well, he's a Soprano, if you know what I mean. An eye-talian American.

His family is very influential.

He is not one to bet against.

His nomination, unlike Miers' nod, is an offer you can't refuse.

Do I need to lay it out any clearer? According to my well-placed sources in the Democratic Party, Samuel Alito is friendly to the mob. He's mafia, people! There is irrefutable evidence from the DNC that Alito went easy on Italian-American mobsters in 1988, when he failed to secure a conviction.

And, he is the son of an Italian immigrant! Just like in the Godfather Part II!

Coincidence? Hardly.

It's so clear, people!

Bush isn't a neocon puppet, or a puppet of the right-wing American Ayatollahs, he's a mob puppet! And Alito was the choice of the mob!

Don't pay any attention to Chris Matthews' contention otherwise.

Matthews is just a dirty right-wing neocon mobster propagandist, too.


Speaking of neocon mobster propagandists, what is the deal with this guy's fascination with George Bush?

Franken Sense

• posted by Al Franken

Well, I've been drinking for the past 28 hours straight. Don't even remember the radio show. Although they told me that I looked great. And my wit, even dulled by 12 year old Scotch is as sharp as never. Ever. Ever I mean. Ment Meant.

Kids are showing up at my doorstep with bags of candy asking for more or they'll trick me. Yeah. I have managed to only beat one of the little twerps. See I have to admire their pluck. Coming to a liberal asking for stuff. Not my job. See your Senator.

The one kid that I smacked around had the audacity to have on a Sean Hannity mask. Left me no choice really.

Suffice it to say this has been a scary Halloween in more ways than one.

Man I miss SNL.

If you want to try to figure out who I am, don't go HERE. I'll only scare you with my profile. Try hanging out in the anteroom of Amazing Dancers. You'll bump into me soon enough.

Limey Jerks

• posted by Leatherface

The French: what's not to love? They don't bathe, they love socialism, they drink wine when they're pregnant. Most of all, they opposed the evil American "war of liberation" in Iraq against that wonderful soul, Saddam Hussein, may he rest in peace.

Oh, and don't get me started on the way they bury geese in the ground and force feed them until they die. Such delicious food the French have. Rotten cheeses. Livers of tortured ducks and geese. So underrated, French food is. Love it!

They're just awesome, the French. The smell. The politics. Everything.

On the other hand, you have the bloody British. The jerk store called, and they are running out of Britons. Check out just how snooty those British folk are:

Eighty-six percent of people in Britain aged 18 to 30 think the French deserve "a popular negative stereotype," suggests an opinion poll conducted for an Anglo-French art show in London.

That compares to 27 percent of like-aged people in France who felt the British held a negative stereotype of their nation, according to the survey.

Like I said, France rules, England and America drool! The British need to elect George Galloway Prime Minister. That guy just... makes... sense.

Also, while you're at it, check out another drooler's blog. Jerk.

I have the proof!

• posted by Bee Silent

You're the Smart chances are you'll
survive! :-)
You might get cut up & have some minor injuries,
but you'll be victorious. The Killer better
know NOT to mess with you anymore!

Will you survive a HORROR MOVIE??
brought to you by Quizilla

I can survive you Dr. Evil! You won't be able to get me!

Oh for the love of God

• posted by Al Franken

How the hell am I supposed to ghost write a book when all these little turds keep knocking on the door???

I'm outta here. I'm going to put on that dress that Hillary left when she and Blill spent the night.. wait, actually I think it was just Blill. Yeah, that's right, him and those two hookers. Anyway, there has to be someplace that a respectable journalist can go to avoid these little hooligans.

I'm going to a bar.

And Get Stewed!!!

Afraid of Moi? Why Would That Bee? (Get It - Bee?)

• posted by Dr. Evil

You forget my little bee, you should never express over-confidence, especially in the face of the killer!

But I'm not a slasher movie villain, anyway. I'm much more likely to capture you alive, place you in some overly elaborate, easily escapable deathtrap and leave you unattended trusting it all went to plan.

If you are semi-intelligent, odds are quite good that you'll escape and foil my plans. Such is my lot in life.

Oh, by the way. I wouldn't turn around just now, Leatherface is right behind you!!!


Dr. Evil's Blogger Profile

Ruin everything - unmask me now!


Muwahahahaha to you Dr. Evil! I am a gun totin'-knife packin'-mean ol' witch of a bee! I am not afraid of you! Besides, I think Leatherface likes me! I sound like his chainsaw!

-Bee Silent-

Caught in the Act?

• posted by Bee Silent

Why does it look like they were up to something? Something that they shouldn't have been doing and their parents caught them? Eeewww!

Do you know who I am? Here is a hint.



-O Dub-

O Dub, bees are color blind!

-Bee Silent-

Like Candy Kryptonite

• posted by O-Dub

Note to neighborhood kids: NO MORE CANDY LEFT

It's all gone...

... not sure where it went...

... ... no idea really.


Yep - probably stolen...

By Karl Rove and Lewis Libby, no less...

Who is (not actually) Olliver Willis for Halloween? That's a secret...

ZZhhhh, Don't Tell...

• posted by Bee Silent

Please don't tell Dr. Evil. I am a little bit afraid. He and Fat Bastard know each other and you all know that his FB's stench could make a person pass out...can you imagine what that would do to a bee?!

That's It, I'm Going For It!

• posted by Boris Karloff

A kinder, gentler Monster, Boris is the one for 2008!

You have nothing to fear, but the Monster himself.

Ask not what the Monster can do for you, ask what you can do for the Monster.

You can unmask Boris now, or you can allow the horror to build, the suspense to turn your pitiful nerves to jelly. Come on, resist, don’t spoil the fun we have planned!


I will vote for you Frankie!

-Bee Silent-

Thanks. That makes one. Only 60 million to go.

-Boris Karloff-

Curses! They're onto Me!

• posted by Dr. Evil

Okay, which one of you little twits squealed?

Don't think this the last you've heard of me, Mr. Right! I'll get you if it's the last thing I ever do! Well... right after I get Austin Powers... and take over the world... and obtain the sum of ONE MILLLLLION DOLLARS... and take a Caribbean cruise - I've always wanted to do that... and construct a giant "laser" on the moon... and...

Oh, to Hell with it! Come, Mini-Me!

Dr. Evil's Blogger Profile

Okay, go for it! Unmask me now!

Leatherface... Is...

• posted by Leatherface

Off with the mask...

I am not really Leatherface.

I am...

Will Franklin.


Fun, classy times. Thanks to Mr. Right for putting this thing together.

John Ruberry is the Marathon Pundit

• posted by John Ruberry

Didn't really have the best disquise. Happy Halloweeen!

Like Kryptonite to Fat Suits...

• posted by O-Dub

Glad to have this suit off...

It gets hot in there.

Congrats to Mr. Right on his blogoversary - this was a super idea. I thoroughly enjoyed it and hoped you enjoyed it and also learned a valuable lesson: never let a group of crazy bloggers take over your blog.

I'd like to encourage you, if you've never seen all the grace, class, compassion, sincerity, sanctity, reverance and glory that is File it Under, to go visit very soon...

... and let me know if you found any of that stuff.

I am Hoodlumman and it has been a pleasure being Oliver Willis.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a bit of exercising to do...

But wait there's more! Since Mr. Right gave us full blog plugging rights...

Never heard of the Carnival of Crazy? Never submitted to it? Avast ye!!

Get crazy!

UPDATE: The latest Carnival of Crazy is now open!

The Buzz is...

• posted by Bee Silent

The "voice" behind the annoying buzzing was me, Anna, at A Rose By Any Other Name Blogs are pretty liberating in themselves, but to blog as someone other than your "regular" blog personna was pretty fun! Hope I didn't "sting" anyone!

Now to Rip off this Very Ugly Mask

• posted by Madeline Albright (SecState, former)

Whew! that's better. I'm glad I didn't pick Helen! That would have really been heck.

I am really



....a little longer....

kimsch from Musing Minds

We got Daou'd the other day for this post. Go check some of the comments...

Check the top post "Mainstream" - that Bil guy just takes the cake...

Mr. Right, Mr. Johnson - thank you very much for the party! I really enjoyed it.

The Monster ... Is Me

• posted by Boris Karloff

Dr. Frankenstein! I didn't expect to see you so soon. Is it time to come in? But I was having so much fun.

Oh, alright then. I guess the cold damp Transylvanian night is not very hospitable. And this makeup could really ruin a man's complexion.

Let's see. A little baby oil. Some cotton wipes. And ...

Voila! It is I, Giacomo, master of Joust The Facts.

Now that you can find your way, don't be strangers. Don't worry, I don't bite ... much.

Come and visit the blog voted "Most likely to never receive an Instalanche." Well, not really. It just seems that way.

Anyway, stop by for a look, and stay awhile if you like.

Many thanks to Mr. Right for hosting, and congratulations on the one year blogiversary. It's been a long time since I've been to a Halloween party that's been this much fun.

It's Me, It's Me, It's Me Oh Lord!

• posted by AMonster

AMonster is actually:

Err, no, I'm not Patty Hearst, I'm:

Thanks to Mr Right for letting us have this party at his place. Now he gets to clean up all the empties!


• posted by Mr. Right

I would like to take this opportunity to send out a very special thank you to all of the wonderful bloggers who agreed to participate in what has been, for me, the absolute highlight of my blogging experience!

Thank you all so much for making our First "Blogiversary" so very special! This has been a blast!

And now, let's roll the credits...

A Right Place Productions Presentation


Produced and Directed by Mr. Right

Written by everybody involved

Cast (in order of appearance)...

Mr. Right as DR. EVIL

Kimsch from Musing Minds as MADELINE ALBRIGHT

Giacomo from Joust the Facts as BORIS KARLOFF

Stew Magoo from Get Stewed as AL FRANKEN

Anna from A Rose by Any Other Name as BEE SILENT

Buckley F. Williams from The Nose on Your Face as WARD CHURCHILL

John Ruberry from Marathon Pundit and Illinois Marathon Pundit as THE BASEBALL BOOGEYMAN


Jeanette from Oh How I Love Jesus as THESPOOKED

Hoodlumman from File It Under... as OLIVER "O-DUB" WILLIS

Kitty Myers from Kitty Litter and Lifelike Pundits as MISS PURRFECT

Pat Curley from Brainster's Blog and Lifelike Pundits as AMONSTER

Will Franklin from WILLisms as LEATHERFACE


On the contrary, this is only the beginning!!!

The Right Place will return...

Will you?


This post is proudly featured in...

Carnival of Comedy #27 at Sun Comprehending Glass

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