In honor of the momentous events of these last few days, I channeled my inner-moonbat and came up with (dare I say it): the world's very first Fitzmas Carol! A tune destined to be sung by joyous moonbats every Fitzmas Eve as they gather around the tree and exchange gifts! I hope you enjoy it...
Ms. American Spy
(Sung to the tune of Don McLean's American Pie)
A short, short time ago
I can still remember
How the "Plame Game" used to make me smile
And as I read those D-Kos rants
I got a big bulge in my pants
And thought maybe we'd get "Chimpy" for awhile
But then June 12th made me shiver
Fate became an "Indian Giver"
Bad news on the Internet
Precisely what I had fret!
Oh, I remember how I cried
When I thought of Wilson's "outed" bride
Something deep within me fried
The day that Fitzmas died
So don't cry, Ms. American Spy
We'll get Libby for his fibby
And then Cheney will fry
And that smirking chimp will finally wave us goodbye
Singin', this'll be the day donkeys fly
This'll be the day donkeys fly
Did you see the film Loose Change?
And do you have faith you're not deranged
Though ev'rybody tells you so?
Do you believe in "Downing Street"
The "Memo" that'll get Shrub impeached?
And can you prove Kerry won O-hi-o?
Well, I know that Diebold rigs machines
'Cause the exit polls are all I need
Vote counts are just a ruse
I'd Rather trust CBS News!
I was a lone mid-thirties ne'er do well
In my Mommy's basement on her old-school Dell
But I could have sworn I was in Hell
The day that Fitzmas died
I started singin':
Don't cry, Ms. American Spy
We'll get Libby for his fibby
And then Cheney will fry
And that smirking chimp will finally wave us goodbye
Singin', this'll be the day donkeys fly
This'll be the day donkeys fly
For nearly six years, we'd been overthrown
Reading psychotic rants in Rolling Stone
Believing every conspiracy
Will Pitt had to vent his spleen
With a quote he borrowed from Howard Dean
And a scream that came from you and me
Oh, and while Chimp's polls were looking down
Fitz dropped the ball and lost his crown
The Grand Jury was adjourned
No indictment was returned
And while Markos read a book on Marx
Code Pink protested in the park
Neil Young sang dirges full of snark
The day that Fitzmas died
We were singing:
Don't cry, Ms. American Spy
We'll get Libby for his fibby
And then Cheney will fry
And that smirking chimp will finally wave us goodbye
Singin', this'll be the day donkeys fly
This'll be the day donkeys fly
Bash 'em, smash 'em, gut 'em all and trash 'em
Repukes get off, seems we just can't thrash 'em
All our hopes are fading fast
Nancy's built a House of glass
Those frozen assets could bite our ass
Didn't need that freezer full of cold hard cash
Thought TruthOut's scoop meant Karl Rove's doom
We envisioned his frog-marching gloom
Our cause it would advance
Oh, but we never got the chance
'Cause Leopold's tale was far afield
Those "business hours" refused to yield
Do you recall "Sealed Versus Sealed"?
The day that Fitzmas died
We started singing:
Don't cry, Ms. American Spy
We'll get Libby for his fibby
And then Cheney will fry
And that smirking chimp will finally wave us goodbye
Singin', this'll be the day donkeys fly
This'll be the day donkeys fly
Oh, and there we were all in one place
Moonbats lost in cyberspace
With no chads left to count again
So come on, Fitz be nimble, Fitz be quick
Indict some Rethug and make it stick
'Cause indifference is the fascists' only friend
And as I watched him on the news
My lips were clenched 'round some cheap booze
But no drink the store would sell
Could break Bushitler's spell
And as the "Plame Game" died out in the light
To cheers from the "Religious Right"
I saw Freepers laughing with delight
The day that Fitzmas died
We were singing:
Don't cry, Ms. American Spy
We'll get Libby for his fibby
And then Cheney will fry
And that smirking chimp will finally wave us goodbye
Singin', this'll be the day donkeys fly
This'll be the day donkeys fly
I met a girl who'd popped some 'ludes
And I asked her to improve my mood
But she told me that she was gay
I went down to the DU board
Where I'd read the good news weeks before
But the threads there said the indictment wouldn't play
And in the streets Mother Sheehan screamed
Franken cried, and Al Gore schemed
No "truth to power" spoken
Air America was broken!
And the blogger I admired most
Armando from the Daily Kos
He hopped a Lear Jet for the coast
The day that Fitzmas died
And they were singing:
Don't cry, Ms. American Spy
We'll get Libby for his fibby
And then Cheney will fry
And that smirking chimp will finally wave us goodbye
Singin', this'll be the day donkeys fly
This'll be the day donkeys fly
They were singing:
Don't cry, Ms. American Spy
We'll get Libby for his fibby
And then Cheney will fry
And that smirking chimp will finally wave us goodbye
Singin', this'll be the day donkeys fly!
UPDATE 6/16:
I fixed a line that I had inadvertently flipped in the original post, and altered it slightly:
But Air America was broken
No "truth to power" spoken!
is now...
No "truth to power" spoken
Air America was broken!
Sorry for the perfectionism, but it bugged me!
The Day That Fitzmas Died [Mr. Right]
Merry Fitzmas! [Stephen Johnson]
Not to be missed (another new Fitzmas tradition):
Brainster's Blog: "The Night Before Fitzmas"
Or enjoy Pat's poem a whole new way: As read by MICHELLE MALKIN in a slinky little outfit!
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Or feel free to check out our Main Page or our weekly Photo Caption Contest. Thank you for visiting The Right Place!
Thanks for the links!
Ace of Spades HQ
Ankle Biting Pundits
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Brainster's Blog, which just recently celebrated its 200,000th visitor!
The Conservative Cat
Ex-Donkey Blog
Joust the Facts
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Marvin's Word
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Never Yet Melted
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Searchlight Crusade
Small Town Veteran
Stotting Over
The Therapist
The Truth Laid Bear
Vae Victus
And from the forums...
Conservative Underground
Famous Idiot
Foo Fighters
Free Republic
Liberty Post
The Radio Gypsies
Wild Turkeys
This post is proudly featured in...
CARNIVAL OF COMEDY #60 at Acme Anvil Co.
UPDATE 7/15:
Thank you so much for the encore!
Thanks especially to Mr. Rick Moran, who helped spark the revival...
And to Mr. John Podhoretz & Mr. Stephen Spruiell at NRO, who passed out the Bic lighters that lit up the house...
NRO - The Corner
NRO - Media Blog
And to everyone else who flicked their Bics in my direction...
The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
The Black Republican
CatHouse Chat
The Cigar Intelligence Agency
Cindermutha's Corner
The Discerning Texan
Dr. Cathey's Blog
Dr. Melissa Clouthier
Exile in Portales
Fausta's Blog
Irish Pennants
JB on the Rocks
Jeff the Baptist
King of Fools
Les Jones
Move on Indeed
Neptunus Lex
Olbermann Watch
The Post-Postmodernist
Silver Sage
Six Conservative Guys
Transterrestrial Musings
The White Trash Republican
And the forums in the balcony...
As the Apple Turns
Auto Racing Forum
Capitol Grilling
ChronWatch Reader Forum
CNET Speakeasy Forum
Discarded Lies - Hyperlinkopotamus
Elite Trader
Free Republic (1)
Free Republic (2)
Free Republic (3)
Gator Country
News and Politics Forum Forum
Swift Vets and POWs for Truth
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Thank you as well to everyone for all the wonderful things you've said here and elsewhere in comments and for the flattering e-mails. Also, a special thanks to all of you who have been leaving links to this post in various comments sections of many different blogs as well!
I am truly humbled.
***PLEASE NOTE: If you have linked to this post and I haven't listed you, I apologize and I thank you. Thanks again, everyone!
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